Joker Joker Online HD Play/Douban Score 8.9

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 Joker Joker Online HD Play/Douban Score 8.9

director Todd Phillips
Scriptwriter Todd Phillips/Scott Silver
to star Joaquin Phoenix/Robert De Niro/Mark Malone/Sage Baez/Shea Whigme/
Type:   plot  /  Thriller  /  Crime
Official website:
Country/region of production: Canada/USA
Language: English
Release date: August 31, 2019 (Venice Film Festival)/October 4, 2019 (America)
Length: 122 min/118 min (Venice Film Festival)
also called: Clown origin movie: Romeo/Romeo/Joker Origin Movie






The movie "Clown" is based on the DC cartoon characters of the same name, and is released by Warner Brothers Pictures. It is scheduled to be released on October 4, 2019. The story of this film will be independent of DCEU. The story is set in the 1980s. It tells the story of a talk show comedian whose life is in trouble and who gradually goes to mental collapse, and begins to go crazy in Gotham Crime His career eventually became the story of Batman's old enemy, the "clown".
The film is directed by Todd Phillips, the director of Hangover, who wrote the screenplay together with Scott Silver. Joaquin Phoenix plays the protagonist "Clown" in this film, and other leading actors include Robert De Niro, Sage Bates, Mark Malone, etc.

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