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#Zblog navigation bar

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Zblog navigation bar
Several methods for management and setting of zblog navigation bar
  •  Several methods for managing settings of zblog navigation bar [Figure 1]
  •  Several methods for managing settings of zblog navigation bar [Figure 2]
  •  Several methods for managing settings of zblog navigation bar [Figure 3]
  •  Several methods for managing settings of zblog navigation bar [Figure 4]

The navigation bar management settings of zblog have always been a big slot. Many users who use zblog for the first time often get lost here, resulting in countless problems Tianxing Studio tried to explain the problem of navigation bar once and for all, hoping to succeed. First, after the successful installation of zblog, the default navigation bar has only one "home page" and one "message board". If you want to add a category

Zblogphp Tutorial 2019-03-11 seven thousand five hundred and ninety-nine 0 Comments

The simplest way to write the code required for zblog drop-down navigation!
 The simplest way to write the code required for zblog drop-down navigation!

Tianxing Studio has written several articles about zblog drop-down navigation: How does zblog do drop-down navigation? Zblogphp drop-down navigation menu making method; The code demonstration required by the zblog template to implement the drop-down navigation function; Zbl produced by Tianxing Studio

Zblogphp Tutorial 2017-12-25 eight thousand five hundred and seventy-six 0 Comments

Zblog implements the highlighting function of the current page of the navigation bar in the js version

Tianxing Studio has previously written a "method for highlighting the current page of zblogphp navigation". This method is only effective for the list page and home page, but not for the content page. A while ago, I accidentally turned to the code of a topic to implement this function (I really don't remember which topic it is. Sorry). After learning js for a while, I suddenly understood it So I lent flowers to Buddha and sent out the method, hoping to help friends in need. This method is very versatile. It supports almost all

course 2016-08-23 five thousand three hundred and sixty-two 1 Comments

How to set the navigation bar of zblog? The logic of zblog navigation bar!

It is normal that some friends who have just come into contact with zblog will be confused by the navigation bar of zblog, because I also think the navigation bar of zblog is not logical. First of all, the navigation bar of zblog is one-way? That is to say, you can directly check the new category and add it to the navigation bar, but when you delete this category, the category in the navigation bar will not be deleted at the same time. You have to go to the background - delete the code manually in the module management

course 2015-09-04 eleven thousand four hundred and seven 2 Comments

How to add and modify zblog navigation bar categories?

Many friends who use zblog for the first time are eager to install the zblog program and start to write blog posts. Blogs need to be classified. After classification, they find that there is no change in the classification of the foreground zblog navigation bar, or they do not know how to modify the classification of the navigation bar. This article will give you a detailed explanation. Zblog is now divided into two versions, zblogasp and zblogphp, which we will discuss separately

course 2014-05-20 twenty thousand and seventy-three 4 Comments

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