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Wordpress obtains the website title of the previous article and the next article separately

Tianxing Studio 2022-03-22 09:16 Wordpress Tutorial eight hundred and ninety-one 0 Comments

wordpress There are many functions available from the previous article and the next article. By default, the "previous_post_link()" function in the previous article and the "next_post_link()" function in the next article are used. However, these two functions output a complete a tag. Although they can also be customized, how to customize them still outputs html.

In some personalized topics, these two functions are not personalized, so there is a need. How can WordPress get the website titles of the previous and next articles separately?

We need the function "get_adjacent_post()". The code example is as follows:

 $prev_obj  = get_adjacent_post('','',true);// Get Previous $next_obj  = get_adjacent_post('','',false);// Get Next

The function outputs an object that contains information such as the article ID, title, publishing time, and article content. You can directly use "$prev_obj ->XX" to obtain the corresponding information. For example, "$prev_obj ->ID" can obtain the ID of the previous article, and "$prev_obj ->post_title" can obtain the title of the previous article.

Finally, we need to get the URL separately. We can get the dynamic address of the previous article directly with "$prev_obj ->guid", so we must use the "get_permalink" function to get the correct URL. The code example is as follows

 echo get_permalink($prev_obj->ID);// Get the complete static URL of the previous article

To ensure that no error is reported without the previous or next article, the complete code is as follows before use:

 <? php $prev_obj  = get_adjacent_post('','',true);// Get Previous $next_obj  = get_adjacent_post('','',false);// Get Next if($prev_obj){ Echo '<a href="'. get_permalink ($prev_obj ->ID). '">Previous:'$ prev_obj->post_title.'</ a>'; } if($next_obj){ Echo '<a href="'. get_permalink ($next_obj ->ID). '">Next:'$ next_obj->post_title.'</ a>'; } ?>

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