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Parameter description and usage of the new version of the GetList function of zblog

Tianxing Studio 2021-07-06 17:41 Zblogphp Tutorial two thousand seven hundred and thirteen 0 Comments

zblog The original "GetList function" has been optimized in version 1.7. Let's review the functions in the old version:

 Parameter description and usage of the new version of zblog GetList function zblog data calling zblog function GetList function zblogphp tutorial page 1

The old version of the "GetList function" has 7 parameters. The main problem is that the additional options are too weak, and the data that can filter the specified conditions is basically very few. So the "$zbp ->GetArticleList" function used by developers before is more common.

The latest "GetList function" makes up for the lack of calling the specified logic. Let's look at the next version of "GetList function":

 Parameter description and usage of the new version of zblog GetList function zblog data calling zblog function GetList function zblogphp tutorial page 2

From the above parameters, we can see that the new version of the "GetList function" can be easily implemented from the quantity to the specified classification, the specified author, the specified date, the specified tag, and the specified search term. The important thing is that you can customize where and order at the bottom, which are also arrays. Through these parameters, you can get more detailed data of the specified logic.

The address of the official document of the new and old versions of the function is attached:


New edition: -functions? id=getlist-%e5%87%bd%e6%95%b0

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