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In 2020, version 1.6 of zblog will finally go online

Tianxing Studio 2020-03-26 21:29 resources three thousand three hundred and ninety-eight 0 Comments

Three years and three years, zblogphp On March 26, 2020, the latest version of Z-BlogPHP 1.6 Build 162090 was finally pushed.

Update Instructions

If your site is an official site, please update carefully. The correct update step is to switch the theme to the default theme first, and then close all plug-ins except the official ones; Follow the steps below again!

Ps: It is not recommended to update the latest version at the first time. Please wait for your theme and plug-in to be updated to the latest version!

Update steps:

Backstage-- Application Center --After the system is updated and verified, you can see the following interface:

 In 2020, version 1.6 of zblog was finally launched, and the new version of zblog, zblog1.6, zblogphp, and zblog resources, page 1

Then click the "Upgrade New Program" button.

If you do not see this interface, please click "Check for Application Updates" first, update the plug-in "Application Center" to the latest version, and then repeat the above steps.

What is updated in the new version?

  1. Support PHP 7.4
  2. Add new default themes Zit and tprue
  3. Add link management plug-in
  4. Number of sidebars increased to 9
  5. Allow getting guest IP from CDN
  6. Beautify the style of ZB background and installation interface


  1. Article publishing, selecting Template Filtering templates that are not applicable to articles
  2. #98 PageBar Language Wrapping
  3. #240 Setting fixed domain name Add verification when
  4. C_option.php adds the exclusive parameter ZC_PERMANENT_DOMAIN_WHOLE_DISABLE, which can forcibly turn off the fixed domain name
  5. C_option.php adds the exclusive parameter ZC_PERMANENT_DOMAIN_FORCED_URL, which can forcibly specify the domain name
  6. #238 OFF website 503 status code is returned when
  7. Fixed some security issues
  8. Only the modules created by the current theme are displayed in the module management, and no modules created by other themes are displayed


  1. #243 Repair author BUG with user comment 0 obtained by Comments
  2. #236 Fix the problem that the user name is less than 3 digits and cannot be installed

Development class

newly added
  1. The SetData method and the GetData parameter are added to the Base class
  2. #232 Base class adds LoadInfoByFields/LoadInfoByField interface
  3. Z-BlogPHP JavaScript Framework enhancements
  4. The RemovePHPCode function is used to clear all possible PHP codes in the string
  5. Add $zbp → langs to replace lang
  6. The. zbignore file will be read when the application center is packaged, and some files can be ignored when packaging.
  7. The Source of the topic creation module must always be set to theme_topic ID. Previously, plugin_ topic ID was used and needs to be corrected
  8. SQL class adds support for decimal
  9. $zbp adds setting and querying mutually exclusive functions, which are first applied to the Zit theme and AdminColor plug-in
  1. #245 Filter_Plugin_ViewList_Template Increase exit signal
  2. New SetPluginSignal setting signal function
  3. New Filter_Plugin_ViewPost_Core interface
  4. New Filter_Plugin_ViewSearch_Template interface
  5. #206 Add Filter_Plugin_CheckComment_Core interface
  6. #206 Add Filter_Plugin_CheckComment_Succeed interface
  7. Add Filter_Plugin_EnablePlugin interface
  8. Add Filter_Plugin_DisablePlugin interface
  9. Add Filter_Plugin_Admin_Other_Action interface
  10. #249 editor adds insert interface support
data base
  1. The length of zbp_config table conf_Value is expanded
  2. Enlarge the maximum length of all varchar fields in the system
  3. Add tag_Type field
  4. Add cate_Type field
  1. Fix the problem that Network__url does not handle methods other than GET/POST
  2. #224 Fix the error when the ID is empty when batch operation comments


  1. Discard the TransferHTML function and use FormatString instead. (No need to modify temporarily)
  2. Discard the old interface of ZBPJF (please refer to the subsequent migration instructions)
  3. Remove HHVM support

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