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Simple tab tag jQuery code that can be reused in multiple places on a page

Tianxing Studio 2018-01-11 22:43 Web special effects four thousand nine hundred and seventy-two 0 Comments

Always used before“ SuperSlide ”This js framework writes tab tags or other effects, but it was slowly discovered that writing Zblog topic It can't use such a large js framework, especially SuperSlide is not friendly to mobile phones, so it's not used much now.

Now some simple js effects of the page are slowly starting to be written. This article introduces a "simple tab tag jQuery code that can be reused in multiple places on a page".

Ps: This code depends on the JQ library. Please introduce the JQ library of version 1.8 or above before using it.

The js code is as follows:

 function tabs(tabTit,on,tabCon){     $(tabTit).children().click(function(){         $(this).addClass(on).siblings().removeClass(on);         var index = $(tabTit).children().index(this);         $(tabCon).children().eq(index).show().siblings().hide();     }); }; tabs(".tab-hd","active",".tab-bd");

The html code structure is as follows:

 <div class="box"> <ul class="tab hd"><li class="active">Label 1</li><li>Label 2</li><li>Label 3</li></ul>     <dl class="tab-bd"> <dd class="thisclass">Content 1</dd> <dd>Content 2</dd> <dd>Content 3</dd>     </dl> </div>

This code can be used in multiple places on a page. Add a private class attribute to each box to define different tab styles.

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