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Share some tutorials about zblog. Here are zblog beginner tutorials, zblog intermediate tutorials and zblog advanced tutorials. I am honored if they are helpful to you

Zblog tip: please do not impersonate; If you are the user, please log in first and then make comments.

Today, a user encountered a problem. The comment in his website article will prompt "Do not impersonate; if you are the user, please log in first and then make a comment." As a result, the comment cannot be made. The official explanation of this error prompt on zblog is: error-31, please do not impersonate; If you are the user, please log in first and then make comments. Usually, the user name of the registered user is used to comment when the user is not logged in. If the developer encounters this problem, please check

Zblogphp Tutorial 2019-12-14 three thousand eight hundred and eleven 3 Comments

How does Wordpress call a top article? Method of calling top articles by wordpress
 How does Wordpress call a top article? Method of calling top articles by wordpress

This article will share with you the method of calling the top article by wordpress. Without further discussion, the code will be:<? php$sticky=get_option('sticky_posts'); rsort($sticky);$ sticky=array_slice($sticky...

Wordpress Tutorial 2019-11-28 one hundred and one thousand six hundred and seventy-two 0 Comments

Wordpress calls the code of the specified ID article

When struggling with the WordPress template, I met the requirement of "calling the article with the specified ID". After some success, I will share the following:<? php$postsl=get_posts("numberposts=4&post_type=any&include=1,2,3"); if($posts...

Wordpress Tutorial 2019-11-22 one hundred and two thousand seven hundred and fifty-four 0 Comments

Each step of the wordpress installation tutorial is provided with a diagram example
  •  Each step of the wordpress installation tutorial is provided with a diagram example [Figure 1]
  •  Each step of the wordpress installation tutorial is provided with a diagram example [Figure 2]
  •  Each step of the wordpress installation tutorial has a diagram example [Figure 3]
  •  Each step of the wordpress installation tutorial is provided with a diagram example [Figure 4]

The installation of wordpress is relatively simple. This article will introduce the installation steps of wordpress in a more intuitive way, one step at a time. First, you need to download the wordpress package. Recently, the official website is often unable to open due to the wind, so Tianxing Studio has uploaded the wordpress package to Baidu Cloud Disk. Download address: https://www.tx...

Wordpress Tutorial 2019-11-13 one hundred and one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two 0 Comments

Get the author's label on the wordpress article page, the_author(); What if I don't display it?
 Get the author's label on the wordpress article page, the_author(); What if I don't display it?

Recently, I found out how different Wordpress is from zblog There are too many customizable things in WordPress, and there is no unified standard. There are many versions of WordPress, and the calling methods between versions are different. The tutorials you find on the Internet may be old versions before new versions can be used Very headache. For example, the WordPress article page gets the author's tag

Wordpress Tutorial 2019-11-11 one hundred and twelve thousand five hundred and twenty-five 1 Comments

Installation steps of emlog theme template emlog installation theme tutorial
 Installation steps of emlog theme template emlog installation theme tutorial

Although we haven't worked on emlog for a long time, there are still two emlog themes on sale. For the sake of quality of service, we wrote this tutorial on installing emlog themes/templates. The format of the emlog theme template is ZIP, and the storage path of the emlog theme template is "root directory/content/templates/". Get emlo

Emlog Tutorial 2019-10-23 seven thousand two hundred and fifty-three 1 Comments

The solution of adaptive width and height when swf file is used as background
 The solution of adaptive width and height when swf file is used as background

A customer asked to use the swf file as the page background, but after getting it, it was found that the width and height adaption of the swf file was very difficult to control. If you directly set the width and height to 100%, it would not work. After a lot of trouble, we finally solved the problem and shared the solution. First, put the swf file call into a div to wrap it. The code is roughly as follows:<div class="swf box"&

course 2019-10-10 two thousand six hundred and ninety 0 Comments

Detailed steps of permission setting for zblog members to upload pictures
 Detailed steps of permission setting for zblog members to upload pictures

Recently, there have always been question and answer users who have not uploaded pictures when they asked Tianxing Studio. I have always considered the security issue before, and there are definitely hidden dangers involved in uploading pictures on the foreground. However, everyone has their own needs. Since there are many users who feedback, it is better to add this function. Tianxing Studio Q&A Theme 1.4 has added the function of uploading pictures by members, which is closed by default. Users need to

course 2019-10-06 three thousand and twenty-two 0 Comments

How is the zblog topic implemented? Aggregation logic explanation of zblog topic
 How is the zblog topic implemented? Aggregation logic explanation of zblog topic

Several zblog templates recently produced by Tianxing Studio have been added with the theme function. Some users are not very clear about the logic of "theme" in the use process. This article will explain in detail. First, publish the topic page and let the user fill in a topic aggregation keyword, as shown in the following figure: then publish the article with a tag at the bottom, as shown in the following figure: the zblog topic function produced by Tianxing Studio is to aggregate articles with the same tag of this keyword by filling in a topic aggregation keyword. Give

Zblogphp Tutorial 2019-09-10 four thousand three hundred and eighty-seven 2 Comments

Zblog tip: The background access to the application center failed, and the application could not be logged in and downloaded. Please check whether the host space can remotely access
 Zblog tip: The background access to the application center failed, and the application could not be logged in and downloaded. Please check whether the host space can remotely access

When some users open the application center in the background of their website, a prompt will appear: background access to the application center fails, and they cannot log in and download applications. Please check whether the host space can remotely access The following figure shows the cause of the error: Some hosts do not support "curl", or lack other components

Zblogphp Tutorial 2019-08-29 three thousand three hundred and eight 0 Comments

The Method of Setting the Automatic Height of the Picture for Swiper Slides
 The Method of Setting the Automatic Height of the Picture for Swiper Slides

The recent zblog topics have basically built in the Swiper slide component. Today, I stepped on a hole when debugging the slide to set the automatic height of the image. I hope it can help people who step on the same hole. The official configuration of the automatic height of the pictures set by the Swiper slide is "autoHeight", which is "false" by default. To use it, add "autoHeight: true,..." directly to the Swiper configuration

course 2019-07-25 three thousand eight hundred and nine 0 Comments

Theme comes with Font Awesome icon Font modification tutorial
 Theme comes with Font Awesome icon Font modification tutorial

Most of the zblog themes produced by Tianxing Studio integrate FontAwesome icon fonts. The use of icon fonts has many advantages. Using fonts instead of icons is fast to load and flexible to use. Some customers report that they don't know how to modify these icon fonts. This article will give a detailed explanation. The following is a demonstration of Tianxing Studio's corporate theme 6. Below this theme slide

course 2019-07-17 four thousand eight hundred and fifty-one 0 Comments

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