Zblog extension link management project

web front end six thousand nine hundred and nineteen 12 years ago (2012-07-05)

How to make zblog Expand link management project? Take a look at the renderings first:

Two files need to be modified here. One is edit_link in the admin directory ASP The other is c_system_event.asp in the function directory

1. Open the admin edit_link.asp file with Notepad or DW or editplus

Find the following line of code:

<li><a href="#fragment-4"><span><%=ZC_MSG039%></span></a></li>

Add a line below it:

The "# fragment-5" here must be unique and consistent with the "# fragment-5" below

<li><a href="# fragment-5"><span>Announcements</span></a></li>

Then find the following code:

tpath="./ INCLUDE/misc.asp"

Response.Write "<p>" & ZC_MSG170 & ": </p><p><INPUT TYPE=""text"" Value="""&unEscape(tpath)&""" style=""width:100%"" readonly></p>"

Response.Write "<p></p>"

Response.Write "<p><textarea class=""resizable""   style=""height:300px; width:100%"" name=""txaContent_Misc"" id=""txaContent_Misc"">"&TransferHTML(LoadFromFile(BlogPath & unEscape(tpath),"utf-8"),"[textarea]")&"</textarea></p>" & vbCrlf

Response.Write "</div>"

Add a paragraph after this code:

Note: the id="" fragment-5 "" here corresponds to the above

Response.Write "<div class=""tabs-div"" id=""fragment-5"">"  

tpath="./ INCLUDE/announcement. asp "'Announcements added by yourself

Response.Write "<p>" & ZC_MSG170 & ": </p><p><INPUT TYPE=""text"" Value="""&unEscape(tpath)&""" style=""width:100%"" readonly></p>"

Response.Write "<p></p>"

Response.Write "<p><textarea class=""resizable""   style=""height:300px; width:100%"" name=""txaContent_Announcement"" id=""txaContent_Announcement"">"&TransferHTML(LoadFromFile(BlogPath & unEscape(tpath),"utf-8"),"[textarea]")&"</textarea></p>" & vbCrlf

Response.Write "</div>"

Save Close File

2. Open the function c_system_event.asp file

Find the following code:

tpath="./ INCLUDE/misc.asp"


If IsEmpty(txaContent) Then txaContent=Null

If Not IsNull(tpath) Then

If Not IsNull(txaContent) Then

Call SaveToFile(BlogPath & tpath,txaContent,"utf-8",False)

End IF

End If

Add the following paragraph after it:

tpath="./ INCLUDE/announcement. asp "'This section is added to add announcements


If IsEmpty(txaContent) Then txaContent=Null

If Not IsNull(tpath) Then

If Not IsNull(txaContent) Then

Call SaveToFile(BlogPath & tpath,txaContent,"utf-8",False)

End IF

End If

Save and close the file, and the modification part is completed. The next step is to call. The call is very simple. Just add the location where you want to call the note in the template, and put the label in it.


Important: It needs to be explained here that the file name I use here is announcement.asp, so this name is used in both the program and the call tag. If you need other names, please adjust them according to your own needs.

Original author: BigPig