Set as the code of home page and favorite site, compatible with IE, chrome,firefox
//Set as Home Page function SetHome(obj,url){ try{'url(#default#homepage)'; obj.setHomePage(url); }catch(e){ if(window.netscape){ try{"UniversalXPConnect"); }catch(e){ Alert ("Sorry, this operation was browser Reject! \N n Please enter 'about: config' in the browser address bar and enter, then set [signed. applets. codebase_principal_support] to 'true' "); } }else{ Alert ("Sorry, the browser you are using cannot complete this operation. \N n You need to manually set [+url+] as the home page. "); } } } //Collect this site function AddFavorite(title, url) { try { window.external.addFavorite(url, title); } catch (e) { try { window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url, ""); } catch (e) { Alert ("Sorry, the browser you are using cannot complete this operation. \N n Failed to add a favorite, please use Ctrl+D to add "); } } }
<a href="javascript: void (0);" onclick="SetHome (this, 'replace the domain name here'); ">Set as Home Page</a> <a href="javascript: void (0);" onclick="AddFavorite ('Tuoyuan - an expert on customizing original websites around you! ', Location. href) ">Favorites</a>
<a href="javascript: void (0)" onclick="SetHome (this, '<# ZC_BLOG_HOST #>');">Set as Home Page</a> <a href="javascript: void (0)" onclick="AddFavorite ('<# ZC_BLOG_NAME #>', location. href)">Collect this site</a>