To use the adb command, the phone needs to open USB debug.
Install software
Adb install apk file name.apk
Reinstall the software
Adb install - r apk file name.apk
Uninstall the apk software
Adb uninstall apk package name.apk
View the running log on the phone, which can be used to check errors
adb logcat
Check whether the phone is connected and how many phones are connected
adb devices
A is the mobile phone path, B is the computer path, which means: copy files from the mobile phone to the computer
adb pull <A> <B>
A is the mobile phone path, B is the computer path, which means: copy files from the computer to the mobile phone
adb push <B> <A>
Enter the super terminal terminal of the mobile phone
adb shell
Remount the file system
adb remount
Restart the phone
adb reboot
Restart to the Recovery interface
adb reboot recovery
Restart to the bootloader interface
adb reboot bootloader
Example: Retrieve ROOT and downgrade method after flushing the official high version (partial operation)
Conduct adb running environment
adb shell
Set superuser mode
Map out directory
mount -o remount, rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
Exit su
Exit the shell to accept the next adb command
increase FLASH _Image file to phone
adb push /system/bin/flash_image
Recovery is copied to the card first
adb push recovery-RA-heroc-v1.6.2.img /sdcard
Enter the adb environment again
adb shell
Modify File Properties
chmod 0755 /system/bin/flash_image
Restart the system