How to use YT. CMS plug-in
{YT: Article DataSource="GetArticleModel ('5 ')"} YTCMS code {/YT: Article}
{YT: Article DataSource="GetArticleLimit (5,1)"} YTCMS code {/YT: Article}
{YT: Article DataSource="GetArticleCategoriesLimit (5,3, '1')"} YTCMS code {/YT: Article}
{YT: Article DataSource="GetArticleRandomSortNew (5)"} YTCMS code {/YT: Article}
{YT: Article DataSource="GetArticleRandomSortRand (5)"} YTCMS code {/YT: Article}
{YT: Article DataSource="GetArticleRandomSortComMonth (5)"} YTCMS code {/YT: Article}
{YT: Article DataSource="GetArticleRandomSortComYear (5)"} YTCMS code {/YT: Article}
{YT: Article DataSource="GetArticleRandomSortTopMonth (5)"} YTCMS code {/YT: Article}
{YT: Article DataSource="GetArticleRandomSortTopYear (5)"} YTCMS code {/YT: Article}
{YT: Article DataSource="GetArticleRandomSortTopHot (5)"} YTCMS code {/YT: Article}
{YT: Article DataSource="GetArticleCategories (5, '1')"} YTCMS code {/YT: Article}
{YT: Article DataSource="GetArticleCategoriesRandomSortRand (5, '1')"} YTCMS code {/YT: Article}
{YT: Article DataSource="GetArticleCategoriesTophat (5,'1 ')"} YTCMS code {/YT: Article}
{YT: Article DataSource="GetArticleTag (5,0)"} YTCMS code {/YT: Article}
{YT: Article DataSource="GetArticleCategoryTag (5,3, '1')"} YTCMS code {/YT: Article}
{YT: Article DataSource="GetArticleTop (5)"} YTCMS code {/YT: Article}
{YT: Article DataSource="GetArticleCategoryTop (5, '1')"} YTCMS code {/YT: Article}
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{YT: Comment DataSource="GetCommentComments (5)"} YTCMS code {/YT: Comment}
{YT: Comment DataSource="GetCommentCategoriesComments (5, '1')"} YTCMS code {/YT: Comment}
{YT: Comment DataSource="GetCommentArticleComments (5, '1')"} YTCMS code {/YT: Comment}
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{YT: Tag DataSource="GetTagLists (5)"} YTCMS code {/YT: Tag}
{YT: Tag DataSource="GetTagListsRandomSortRand (5)"} YTCMS code {/YT: Tag}
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{YT:Article DataSource="GetArticleTop(1)"} {$MiniTu_Build(article.title,article.intro,article.url)} {/YT:Article}
{YT:Article DataSource="GetArticleTop(1)"} {$MiniTu_Build(article.title,article.content,article.url)} {/YT:Article}
<! -- The first six YT call categories. If you want to call several, change the following 6 --> {for i=1 ubound(Categorys)} {if Categorys(i).ParentID = 0} <li class="linav"><a href="{$Categorys(i).Url}">{$Categorys(i).Name}</a></li> {/if} {if i=6}{eval exit for}{/if} {/next} <! -- YT call classification End -->
<meta name="description" content="{eval set art = new TArticle}{if art. LoadInfoByID(<#article/id#>)}{$left(replace(TransferHTML(art.Content,"[nohtml]")," ",""),80)}{/if}{eval set art = nothing}" />
{eval set art = new TArticle} {if art. LoadInfoByID(<#article/id#>)} {$left(replace(TransferHTML(art.Content,"[nohtml]")," ",""),100)} {/if} {eval set art = nothing}... Or use the following code: {$left(replace(TransferHTML(Article.intro,"[nohtml]")," ",""),100)&"... "}
{eval i=0} {YT:Article....} {if i=0} This is the first style of the first article {/if} {if i=1} This is the second style of the second article {/if} {if i=2} This is the third style of the third article {/if} {if i>2} This is the Nth style of the Nth article {/if} {eval i = i + 1} {/YT:Article}
{eval aryCateInOrder=GetCategoryOrder()} {if isArray(aryCateInOrder)} {for i=lbound(aryCateInOrder)+1 ubound(aryCateInOrder)} {if Categorys(aryCateInOrder(i)).ParentID=1} <li class="cat-item cat-item-3"><a href="{$Categorys(aryCateInOrder(i)).Url}">{$Categorys(aryCateInOrder(i)).Name}</a></li> {/if} {/next} {/if}
{$Year (Article. PostTime)&"Year"&Month (Article. PostTime)&"Month"&Day (Article. PostTime)} Year {$year (Article. PostTime)} Month {$month (Article. PostTime)} Day {$day (Article. PostTime)} Time {$hour (Article. PostTime)} Fen {$minute (Article. PostTime)} Seconds {$second (Article. PostTime)}
{eval i=N} {if i>0} {YT:Tag DataSource="GetTagListsRandomSortRand(i)"} <a href="{$Tag.HtmlUrl}">{$Tag.HtmlName}</a> {/YT:Tag} {/if}
{if Categorys(aryCateInOrder(i)).ParentID=0}
<ul> {eval aryCateInOrder=GetCategoryOrder()} {if isArray(aryCateInOrder)} {for i=lbound(aryCateInOrder)+1 ubound(aryCateInOrder)} {if Categorys(aryCateInOrder(i)).ParentID=0} <li><a href="{$Categorys(aryCateInOrder(i)).Url}">{$Categorys(aryCateInOrder(i)).Name}</a> <ul class="ul-subcates"> {for j=lbound(aryCateInOrder)+1 ubound(aryCateInOrder)} {if Categorys(aryCateInOrder(j)).ParentID = Categorys(aryCateInOrder(i)).ID} <li><a href="{$Categorys(aryCateInOrder(j)).Url}">{$Categorys(aryCateInOrder(j)).Name}</a></li> {/if} {/next} </ul></li> {/if} {/next} {/if} </ul>
{YT:Article DataSource="GetArticleRandomSortNew(7)"} <li><span class="you">{$month (Article. PostTime)} Month {$day (Article. PostTime)} Day</span>[{$Categories (Article. CateID). HtmlName}]<a href="{$Article. Url}">{$Article. HtmlTitle}</a> {if (DATEDIFF ("h", Article. PostTime, now())<24)}<img src="/zb_users/THEME/Topic Name/STYLE/images/new. gif" border="0"/>{/if}</li> {/YT:Article}
<YT: Type DataSource="Data Source"> Circulatory body </YT>
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<YT:Article DataSource="GetArticleRandomSortNew(10)"> <a href="<#article/url#>"><#article/title#></a> </YT>
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<YT:Comment DataSource="GetCommentCategorysComments(10,1)"> Comments:< a href="<#article/comment/commenturl#>"><#article/title#></a> </YT>
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<YT:Tag DataSource="GetTagLists(8)"> Keyword call:< a href="<#article/tag/url#>"><#article/tag/name#></a> </YT>
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<YT: Cmd DataSource="SELECT 1">//The number 1 is the number of call classifications, which does not need to be modified Category link:<# Eval/Categories (1). HtmlUrl #>//Change the 1 in brackets to the category ID Classification name:<# Eval/Categories (1). HtmlName #>//Change the 1 in brackets to the classification ID Classification alias:<# Eval/Categories (1). Staticname #>//Change the 1 in parentheses to the classification ID </YT>
<YT:Article DataSource="GetArticleCategorysLimit(5,3,'1')"> The 5 in the bracket refers to the call of 5 articles. The 3 in the bracket is the index value of classified articles, that is, ignore the first three articles and call from the fourth article; Fill in N if calling from the Nth article; The parameter cannot be 0. The 1 in the bracket is the classification ID. Please check the background of zblog“ Classification Management” ID number before classification in. </YT>
<YT:Article DataSource="GetArticleTag(5,1)"> The 5 in the bracket refers to the call of 5 articles. The 1 in the bracket is the tag with ID 1. To query the tag ID, please check the background of zblog“ Classification Management” ID number before Tags in. </YT>
<YT:Article DataSource="GetArticleTop(3)"> This code enables YT to call the first three top articles of the whole site. </YT>
<YT:Article DataSource="GetArticleCategoryTop(10,'1')"> This code enables YT to call the top 10 articles with a classification ID of 1. </YT>
<YT:Article DataSource="GetArticleModel('1')"> This code implements the article whose YT call ID is 1. If the homepage of the enterprise station calls our module, you need to call the ID of our article. </YT>
<YT:Article DataSource=" GetArticleCategorysLimit (5,3,'1')"> Note: The number of displayed article titles is controlled by {left: N}, and N is the number of characters output. If the title is limited to 10 characters, it is: {left:10}。 <li><a href="<#article/url#>" target="_blank"><#article/title{left:10}#></a></li> </YT>
Article Title:<# eval/row(2)#> Abstract:<# eval/row(3)#> Article link:<# eval/row(10)#> First picture of the article:<# eval/row(11)#>
<YT:Cmd DataSource="select top 6 * from blog_Category order by cate_Order asc"> <li><a href="<#eval/Categorys(DataSource(0,i)).HtmlUrl#>"><#field/cate_Name#></a></li> The number 6 is the number of call classifications. If the number exceeds 6 classifications, it will not be displayed. <# eval/Categories (DataSource (0, i)). HtmlUrl #>is a classified link <# field/cate_Name #>is the name of the classification <# field/cate_Intro #>is a classified alias </YT>
<YT: Cmd DataSource="select * from blog_Article WHERE log_AuthorID=author ID order by log_PostTime asc"> <li><#field/log_Title#></li> </YT>