Teach you to retrieve the files deleted by mistake in the recycle bin

informal essay six thousand nine hundred and one 14 years ago (2011-02-21)

Without any software, you can find it recycle bin Misdeleted files in

1. Click“ Start&mdash& mdash; Run, and then enter regedit (open the registry)

2. Expand in sequence: HEKEY—& mdash; LOCAL—& mdash; MACHIME/SOFTWARE/MICROSOFT/WINDOWS/

CURRENTVERSION/EXPLORER/DESKTOP/nAMESPACE Click“ outside the left blank; New”, Select:& ldquo; Primary Key”, Name it“ 645FFO40—& mdash; 5081—& mdash; 101B—& mdash; 9F08—& mdash; 00AA002F954E”

Put the“ on the right; Default” The primary key value of is set to“ Recycle Bin”, Then exit the registry. OK. 3. To restart your computer . As long as your machine has not run defragmentation. The system is intact Files can be retrieved at any time.