Zblog removes the word "last edit" from the comment

web front end six thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven 13 years ago (2012-03-16)

use zblog The webmaster of is bound to encounter this problem. When editing a visitor's comment in the background management, it will automatically add a word "edited by * * at * * last". The removal method is also very simple. Here are two ways to remove this word:

1、 In the LANGUAGE folder under the zblog root directory, find SimpChinese ASP , open it with Dreamweaver or Notepad, and in line 277:

Const ZC_MSG273="Last edited by% s on% s"

Change to:

Const ZC_MSG273=""

Then edit the comment, delete the added words and save them.

2、 In the FUNCTION folder under the Zblog root directory, find c_system_event.asp, open it with Dreamweaver or Notepad, and on line 762, add:

objComment.Content=Request.Form("txaArticle") & vbCrlf  & Replace(Replace(ZC_MSG273,"%s",BlogUser.Name,1,1),"%s",GetTime(Now()),1,1)

Change to:


Then edit the comment, delete the added words and save them.