Hot topic module of imitating QQ space personal center

web front end eight thousand one hundred and four 13 years ago (2011-10-10)

Hot topic module of personal center in imitating QQ space: Demo Demo

Jquery code (you need to refer to jquery.js in advance, you know yes ):

 $(document).ready(function(){ $(".box ul li:first").addClass("active"); $(".box ul li").hover(function(){ $(this).addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"); },function(){ }); });

CSS code:

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HTML code:

 <div class="box"> <ul> <li> <div class="mode"><h2><a href="javascript: void (0);">Jobs died</a></h2><font>3029</font></div> <div class="show"><a href="#">Apple company Announced the death of former CEO Steve Jobs at the age of 56</ a></div> </li> <li> <div class="mode"><h2><a href="javascript: void (0);">Fan Bingbing stole the red carpet photo</a></h2><font>3029</font></div> <div class="show"><a href="#">Fan Bingbing stole the limelight at the Busan Film Festival and stunned four audiences by changing their clothes in one second</ a></div> </li> <li> <div class="mode"><h2><a href="javascript: void (0);">Group photo of Xie Na on her honeymoon</a></h2><font>3029</font></div> <div class="show"><a href="#">Xie Na shows "honeymoon photos", and netizens call her "fooled"</ a></div> </li> <li> <div class="mode"><h2><a href="javascript: void (0);">Devil Fish Found in Qingdao</a></h2><font>3029</font></div> <div class="show"><a href="#">Qingdao fishermen catch 520 jin "Devil Fish", which looks like bats</ a></div> </li> <li> <div class="mode"><h2><a href="javascript: void (0);">Global University Rankings</a></h2><font>3029</font></div> <div class="show"><a href="#">Harvard was the first university to lose the top ranking, and Peking University and Tsinghua University were among the top 100</ a></div> </li> </ul> </div>