Effect of imitating Sina Weibo

web front end fifteen thousand nine hundred and forty 14 years ago (2011-10-09)

Imitate Sina micro-blog The codes are as follows:

 <p> Imitate the original JS effect of Sina Weibo </p> <style _ue_org_tagname="style" type="text/css">body,div,h2,h3,ul,li,p{margin:0;padding:0;} a{text-decoration:none;} a:hover{text-decoration:underline;} ul{list-style-type:none;} body{color:#333;background:#3c3a3b;font:12px/1.5 \5b8b\4f53;} #msgBox{width:500px;background:#fff;border-radius:5px;margin:10px auto;padding-top:10px;} #msgBox form h2{font-weight:400;font:400 18px/1.5 \5fae\8f6f\96c5\9ed1;} #msgBox form{padding:0 20px 15px;} #userName,# conBox{color:#777;border:1px solid #d0d0d0;border-radius:6px;padding:3px 5px;font:14px/1.5 arial;} #userName.active,# conBox.active{border:1px solid #7abb2c;} #userName{height:20px;} #conBox{width:448px;resize:none;height:65px;overflow:auto;} #msgBox form div{position:relative;color:#999;margin-top:10px;} #msgBox img{border-radius:3px;} #face{position:absolute;top:0;left:172px;} #face img{width:30px;height:30px;cursor:pointer;margin-right:6px;opacity:0.5;filter:alpha(opacity=50);} #face img.hover,# face img.current{width:28px;height:28px;border:1px solid #f60;opacity:1;filter:alpha(opacity=100);} #sendBtn{border:0;width:112px;height:30px;cursor:pointer;margin-left:10px;} #sendBtn.hover{background-position:0 -30px;} #msgBox form .maxNum{font:26px/30px Georgia, Tahoma, Arial;padding:0 5px;} #msgBox .list{padding:10px;} #msgBox .list h3{position:relative;height:33px;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;background:#e3eaec;border:1px solid #dee4e7;} #msgBox .list h3 span{position:absolute;left:6px;top:6px;background:#fff;line-height:28px;display:inline-block;padding:0 15px;} #msgBox .list ul{overflow:hidden;zoom:1;} #msgBox .list ul li{float:left;clear:both;width:100%;border-bottom:1px dashed #d8d8d8;padding:10px 0;background:#fff;overflow:hidden;} #msgBox .list ul li.hover{background:#f5f5f5;} #msgBox .list .userPic{float:left;width:50px;height:50px;display:inline;margin-left:10px;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:3px;} #msgBox .list .userPic img { width:50px; height:50px; } #msgBox .list ul li .content{float:left;width:400px;font-size:14px;margin-left:10px; margin-top:0px; padding:0;font-family:arial;word-wrap:break-word;} #msgBox .list .userName{display:inline;padding-right:5px;} #msgBox .list .userName a{color:#2b4a78;} #msgBox .list .msgInfo{display:inline;word-wrap:break-word;} #msgBox .list .times{color:#889db6;font:12px/18px arial;margin-top:5px;overflow:hidden;zoom:1;} #msgBox .list .times span{float:left;} #msgBox .list .times a{float:right;color:#889db6;display:none;} .tr{overflow:hidden;zoom:1;} .tr p{float:right;line-height:30px;} .tr *{float:left;}</style><script _ue_org_tagname="script" type="text/javascript">/*-------------------------- + Non Tuoyuan original, this code comes from the blue ideal Get ID, class, tagName +-------------------------- */ var get = { byId: function(id) { return typeof id === "string" ?  document.getElementById(id) : id }, byClass: function(sClass, oParent) { var aClass = []; var reClass = new RegExp("(^| )" + sClass + "( |$)"); var aElem = this.byTagName("*", oParent); for (var i = 0; i < aElem.length; i++) reClass.test(aElem[i].className) && aClass.push(aElem[i]); return aClass }, byTagName: function(elem, obj) { return (obj || document).getElementsByTagName(elem) } }; /*-------------------------- + Event binding, deleting +-------------------------- */ var EventUtil = { addHandler: function (oElement, sEvent, fnHandler) { oElement.addEventListener ?  oElement.addEventListener(sEvent, fnHandler, false) : (oElement["_" + sEvent + fnHandler] = fnHandler, oElement[sEvent + fnHandler] = function () {oElement["_" + sEvent + fnHandler]()}, oElement.attachEvent("on" + sEvent, oElement[sEvent + fnHandler])) }, removeHandler: function (oElement, sEvent, fnHandler) { oElement.removeEventListener ?  oElement.removeEventListener(sEvent, fnHandler, false) : oElement.detachEvent("on" + sEvent, oElement[sEvent + fnHandler]) }, addLoadHandler: function (fnHandler) { this.addHandler(window, "load", fnHandler) } }; /*-------------------------- + Set css style Read css style +-------------------------- */ function css(obj, attr, value) { switch (arguments.length) { case 2: if(typeof arguments[1] == "object") {	 for (var i in attr) i == "opacity" ?  (obj.style["filter"] = "alpha(opacity=" + attr[i] + ")", obj.style[i] = attr[i] / 100) : obj.style[i] = attr[i]; } else {	 return obj.currentStyle ?  obj.currentStyle[attr] : getComputedStyle(obj, null)[attr] } break; case 3: attr == "opacity" ?  (obj.style["filter"] = "alpha(opacity=" + value + ")", obj.style[attr] = value / 100) : obj.style[attr] = value; break; } }; EventUtil.addLoadHandler(function () { var oMsgBox = get.byId("msgBox"); var oUserName = get.byId("userName"); var oConBox = get.byId("conBox"); var oSendBtn = get.byId("sendBtn"); var oMaxNum = get.byClass("maxNum")[0]; var oCountTxt = get.byClass("countTxt")[0]; var oList = get.byClass("list")[0]; var oUl = get.byTagName("ul", oList)[0]; var aLi = get.byTagName("li", oList); var aFtxt = get.byClass("f-text", oMsgBox); var aImg = get.byTagName("img", get.byId("face")); var bSend = false; var timer = null; var oTmp = ""; var i = 0; var maxNum = 140; //Prohibit form submission EventUtil.addHandler(get.byTagName("form", oMsgBox)[0], "submit", function () {return false}); //Send event for broadcast button binding EventUtil.addHandler(oSendBtn, "click", fnSend); //Send event for Ctrl+Enter shortcut key binding EventUtil.addHandler(document, "keyup", function(event) { var event = event || window.event; event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode == 13 && fnSend() }); //Send broadcast function function fnSend () { var reg = /^\s*$/g; if(reg.test(oUserName.value)) { alert("\u8bf7\u586b\u5199\u60a8\u7684\u59d3\u540d"); oUserName.focus() } else if(!/^[u4e00-\u9fa5\w]{2,8}$/g.test(oUserName.value)) { alert("\u59d3\u540d\u75312-8\u4f4d\u5b57\u6bcd\u3001\u6570\u5b57\u3001\u4e0b\u5212\u7ebf\u3001\u6c49\u5b57\u7ec4\u6210\uff01"); oUserName.focus() } else if(reg.test(oConBox.value)) { alert("\u968f\u4fbf\u8bf4\u70b9\u4ec0\u4e48\u5427\uff01"); oConBox.focus() } else if(!bSend) { alert("\u4f60\u8f93\u5165\u7684\u5185\u5bb9\u5df2\u8d85\u51fa\u9650\u5236\uff0c\u8bf7\u68c0\u67e5\uff01"); oConBox.focus() } else { var oLi = document.createElement("li"); var oDate = new Date(); oLi.innerHTML = "<div class=\"userPic\"><img src=\"" + get.byClass("current", get.byId("face"))[0].src + "\"></div>\<div class=\"content\">\<div class=\"userName\"><a href=\"javascript:;\ ">" + oUserName.value + "</a>:</div>\<div class=\"msgInfo\">" + oConBox.value.replace(/<[^>]*>| /ig, "") + "</div>\<div class=\"times\"><span>" + format(oDate.getMonth() + 1) + "\u6708" + format(oDate.getDate()) + "\u65e5 " + format(oDate.getHours()) + ":" + format(oDate.getMinutes()) + "</span><a class=\"del\" href=\"javascript:;\ ">\u5220\u9664</a></div>\</div>"; //Insert Element aLi.length ?  oUl.insertBefore(oLi, aLi[0]) : oUl.appendChild(oLi); //Reset Form get.byTagName("form", oMsgBox)[0].reset(); for (i = 0; i < aImg.length; i++) aImg[i].className = ""; aImg[0].className = "current"; //Save element height var iHeight = oLi.clientHeight - parseFloat(css(oLi, "paddingTop")) - parseFloat(css(oLi, "paddingBottom")); var alpah = count = 0; css(oLi, {"opacity" : "0", "height" : "0"}); 	 timer = setInterval(function () { css(oLi, {"display" : "block", "opacity" : "0", "height" : (count += 8) + "px"}); if (count > iHeight) { clearInterval(timer); css(oLi, "height", iHeight + "px"); timer = setInterval(function () { css(oLi, "opacity", (alpah += 10)); alpah > 100 && (clearInterval(timer), css(oLi, "opacity", 100)) },30) } },30); //Calling the mouse over/away style liHover(); //Call delete function delLi() } }; //Event binding, judge character input EventUtil.addHandler(oConBox, "keyup", confine); 	 EventUtil.addHandler(oConBox, "focus", confine); EventUtil.addHandler(oConBox, "change", confine); //Input character limit function confine () { var iLen = 0; 		 for (i = 0; i < oConBox.value.length; i++) iLen += /[^\x00-\xff]/g.test(oConBox.value.charAt(i)) ?  1 :  0.5; oMaxNum.innerHTML = Math.abs(maxNum - Math.floor(iLen)); 	 maxNum - Math.floor(iLen) >= 0 ?  (css(oMaxNum, "color", ""), oCountTxt.innerHTML = "\u8fd8\u80fd\u8f93\u5165", bSend = true) : (css(oMaxNum, "color", "#f60"), oCountTxt.innerHTML = "\u5df2\u8d85\u51fa", bSend = false) } //Call on load confine(); 		 //Broadcast button mouse over style EventUtil.addHandler(oSendBtn, "mou SEO ver", function () {this.className = "hover"}); //Broadcast Button Mouse Exit Style EventUtil.addHandler(oSendBtn, "mouseout", function () {this.className = ""}); //LiMouse over/out handler function liHover() { for (i = 0; i < aLi.length; i++) { //LiMouse over style EventUtil.addHandler(aLi[i], "mouseover", function (event) { this.className = "hover"; oTmp = get.byClass("times", this)[0]; var aA = get.byTagName("a", oTmp); if (!aA.length) { var oA = document.createElement("a"); 					 OA.innerHTML="Delete"; oA.className = "del"; oA.href = "javascript:;"; oTmp.appendChild(oA) } else { aA[0].style.display = "block"; } }); //LiMouse leaving style EventUtil.addHandler(aLi[i], "mouseout", function () { this.className = ""; var oA = get.byTagName("a", get.byClass("times", this)[0])[0]; oA.style.display = "none"	 }) } } liHover(); //Delete function function delLi() { var aA = get.byClass("del", oUl); for (i = 0; i < aA.length; i++) { aA[i].onclick = function () { var oParent = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; var alpha = 100; var iHeight = oParent.offsetHeight; timer = setInterval(function () { css(oParent, "opacity", (alpha -= 10)); if (alpha < 0) { clearInterval(timer); 						 timer = setInterval(function () { iHeight -= 10; iHeight < 0 && (iHeight = 0); css(oParent, "height", iHeight + "px"); iHeight == 0 && (clearInterval(timer), oUl.removeChild(oParent)) },30) }	 },30); 			 this.onclick = null	 }			 } } delLi(); //The style when the input box gets the focus for (i = 0; i < aFtxt.length; i++) { EventUtil.addHandler(aFtxt[i], "focus", function ()	{this.className = "active"}); 		 EventUtil.addHandler(aFtxt[i], "blur", function () {this.className = ""}) } //Format time. If it is a single digit, add 0 function format(str) { return str.toString().replace(/^(\d)$/,"0$1") } //Head portrait for (i = 0; i < aImg.length; i++) { aImg[i].onmouseover = function () { this.className += " hover" }; aImg[i].onmouseout = function () { this.className = this.className.replace(/\s?hover/,"") }; aImg[i].onclick = function () { for (i = 0; i < aImg.length; i++) aImg[i].className = ""; this.className = "current"	 } } });</script> <div id="msgBox"> <form 360chrome_form_autofill="2"> <h2> What's new </h2> <div> <input id="userName" class="f-text"/> <p id="face"> <img style="width:28px;float:none;height:28px" class="current" border="0" hspace="0" src=" https://tp2.sinaimg.cn/1787516913/50/1282184635/1 " width="28" height="28"/><img style="width:28px; float:none; height:28px" border="0" hspace="0" src=" https://tp4.sinaimg.cn/1909869991/180/5661603613/0.jpg " width="28" height="28"/><img style="width:28px; float:none; height:28px" border="0" hspace="0" src=" httsp://tp4.sinaimg.cn/2183934131/180/5637370194/0.jpg " width="28" height="28"/><img style="width:28px; float:none; height:28px" border="0" hspace="0" src=" https://tp4.sinaimg.cn/2526902503/180/40022263227/1.jpg " width="28" height="28"/><img style="width:28px; float:none; height:28px" border="0" hspace="0" src=" https://tp2.sinaimg.cn/1581621517/50/5604025885/0 " width="28" height="28"/><img style="width:28px; float:none; height:28px" border="0" hspace="0" src=" https://ww2.sinaimg.cn/thumbnail/6a8b57f1jw1dgawxf46hej.jpg " width="28" height="28"/> </p> </div> <div> <textarea id="conBox" class="f-text"></textarea> </div> <div class="tr"> <p> <span class="countTxt">You can also enter</span><strong class="maxNum">140</strong>characters<input id="sendBtn" title="Ctrl+Enter" type="button"/> </p> </div> </form> <div class="list"> <h3> People are saying </h3> <ul class=" list-paddingleft-2"> <li> <div class="userPic"> <img src=" https://tp2.sinaimg.cn/1787516913/50/1282184635/1 "/> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="userName"> <a href="javascript:;">Toyean</a>: </div> <div class="msgInfo"> Add the function of deleting broadcast. </div> <div class="times"> July 5; 15: 14<a class="del" href="javascript:;">Delete</a> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="userPic"> <img src=" https://tp2.sinaimg.cn/1787516913/50/1282184635/1 "/> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="userName"> <a href="javascript:;">Toyean</a>: </div> <div class="msgInfo"> Add Ctrl+Enter shortcut key to send broadcast. </div> <div class="times"> July 5; 12: 20<a class="del" href="javascript:;">Delete</a> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="userPic"> <img src=" https://tp2.sinaimg.cn/1787516913/50/1282184635/1 "/> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="userName"> <a href="javascript:;">Toyean</a>: </div> <div class="msgInfo"> Add the function of selecting avatar. </div> <div class="times"> July 5; 12: 08<a class="del" href="javascript:;">Delete</a> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="userPic"> <img src=" https://tp2.sinaimg.cn/1787516913/50/1282184635/1 "/> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="userName"> <a href="javascript:;">Toyean</a>: </div> <div class="msgInfo"> Added the function of recording broadcast time. </div> <div class="times"> July 4; 16: 55<a class="del" href="javascript:;">Delete</a> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="userPic"> <img src=" https://tp2.sinaimg.cn/1787516913/50/1282184635/1 "/> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="userName"> <a href="javascript:;">Toyean</a>: </div> <div class="msgInfo"> The input character detection function is added. English/half width is half character, and Chinese/full width is one character. </div> <div class="times"> July 4; 08:30<a class="del" href="javascript:;">Delete</a> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="userPic"> <img src=" https://tp2.sinaimg.cn/1787516913/50/1282184635/1 "/> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="userName"> <a href="javascript:;">Toyean</a>: </div> <div class="msgInfo"> Follow Tencent Weibo, welcome to test! </div> <div class="times"> July 3rd; 20: 19<a class="del" href="javascript:;">Delete</a> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div><!--! doctype-->