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#[Wealth Plan] Give yourself a gift!

come from Comprehensive financial management ・ 16 posts ・ 115 participants

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Rich plan: give yourself a gift, 38 yuan JD card waiting for you~

 Her activities
Her activities   Her activities 2024-03-22 11:35 Reading (522)

>>The list of winners has been announced. Come and see if you have won the prize~

>>The list of winners has been announced. Come and see if you have won the prize~

>>The list of winners has been announced. Come and see if you have won the prize~

In March, follow her activities to launch the "rich nutrition plan"——

Every time you complete one task of enriching yourself, you have the opportunity to get a JD card of 38 yuan, and you can get a JD card of up to 328 yuan after completing six tasks.


>>Introduction to the "Rich Maintenance Plan"

The willingness to love yourself is slowly and slowly permeated into life.

The last task in this rich nutrition plan is Give yourself a gift , you can:

1) Wish a higher value item as a gift for yourself in 2024, and save it slowly in the rest of the day to win at the end of the year;

You can also:

2) Whenever you find the gift you want Save well In the record, see how many can be cashed by the end of the year;

You can also:

3) This gift is not necessarily an actual item. It can be a plan, for example, it will be reduced to XX kg this year; XX yuan deposited this year; You can also give yourself some time, for example, set aside two hours a week for yourself.

Gifts are not about value or whether they are real things, but about the moment when you feel happy.

The habit of loving yourself needs to be cultivated slowly. Through the accumulation day by day, month by month, year by year, the energy bottle of loving yourself will eventually become more and more full.

Her sister will give you an example of how to operate:

Posting requirements:

1) Posting content should be consistent with gift Content related, And contains " Save well "Screenshot of" Rich and Healthy Plan " , posts that are irrelevant/meaningless/lack of necessary content will be disqualified for effective selection;

2) There is no limit to the number of words, and the probability of high-quality sharing is higher;

3) Posting content must be original, and plagiarism/manuscript washing/handling content will not be included in the award.

Participation mode:

Punk the red font on the right, and then click on the topic #[Wealth Plan] Give yourself a gift Internal posting, >>Stamp me to join immediately

Note: You must post within this topic, otherwise it will be deemed as invalid!!!

Activity time: March 22~March 31


Gift experts: 38 yuan JD Card (6 persons)

>>About the "Rich Nutrition Plan"

>>About Save well

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