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What is We Media? Why can I make money? Where did the money come from?

Although we media has been out for several years

But recently I found that there are still many people who don't even know what we media is

I have to sigh that the information difference on the Internet is huge (If you think my information is helpful to you, you can share this article with more friends)


Today, I will popularize what we media is? How to make money through We Media

First, take a look at the explanation given by Baidu Encyclopedia


The understanding of colloquialism is

Individuals, individuals, and ordinary people can make their own works by shooting videos, writing articles, and disseminating their own views, knowledge, sharing, life, people, news, and other contents in various fields through network carriers and we media platforms. It is also possible to promote themselves and your local videos. This is we media

What are we media platforms?

1. Headline, watermelon video

2. Baijia

3. Big Fish

4. One point number

5. Penguin

6. Sohu

7. Phoenix

8. Netease number


Wait, there are still many examples

New people recommend to be headliners. Watermelon videos have low threshold and high income

As long as you play videos on these platforms, you will have money

So here comes the question...


Money comes from two sources, one is advertising, the other is platform subsidies

The advertising revenue is easy to understand. Every time we send a video, there is an advertisement at the end of the video. Who has seen our work and seen the advertisement at the end of the video, let it be, the advertiser will pay us because we have brought traffic to the advertiser, which is our due reward. See the figure below


These are advertisements

These are all advertisements. They inadvertently bring traffic to businesses, and we earn our advertising fees

Another segment of revenue is platform subsidies


This is also easy to understand, because there are many We Media platforms and there is competition between platforms

Whose platform has more high-quality creators, who has more platform content, and who has better platform content

Then who will win the world

Where does this content come from?

It is made by us creators

Subsidy to the platform is to attract us to create content on his platform

If it were you, you would choose the platform with high platform subsidy to create or the platform with low platform subsidy to create

Bullshit, I'm sure who pays more and who sends videos to


Finally, how much does it cost to play

Let me take my own account as an example


Video playback volume


Article reading


Income Statement

From the picture, we can draw a conclusion that 10000 yuan is about 70 yuan for playing the video

The article costs about 45 yuan to read for 10000 yuan

Of course, the weight of each account and the number of fans read are different, which will also lead to different unit prices

But the overall price is generally 10000 yuan, between 30 and 100 yuan

So here comes the popularization of We Media knowledge today

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