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Latest Introduction to Hundred Ghost Game of Yin and Yang Master (skill of Yin and Yang Master of Hundred Ghost Game)

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First put the conclusion:

Dispel is preferred. I saw many people posting that they were going to jail, but in fact, this week was really simple, playing faster than last week. I thought that the prison was not dispelled, so I gave a hint.

Recommended Shishen, ranking in order:

Output: Chop the snake, Cang Lian the dog, Tianda;

Dispelling: Dirt tasting insect fumigation;

Control: Xingxiong Mengpo;

Brace: sp mountain rabbit, sp donkey, sp facial aura;

Treatment: Insect Master Sakura demon;

Fire: Fumigation/Under the Yeji patio because of the streamers/Chasing the moon.

The motorcycle ghost swallows will come, and the team has the priority to gather together to disperse the brace. The output can be depended on the ghost swallowing, and the Yin and Yang division will lead the guard. The style gods are selected by both sides in turn. You can definitely select the above ones. There is no such thing as to make everything worse. I played 11 times before winning 9 games. I lost two games because I wanted to choose a noodle man to live and didn't drive away.

matters needing attention:

If you encounter Sphui and Tianhu's snake chopping opponent, run with him. He will choose the fastest SSR facial aura, which must not be used to kill snakes. If you take the lead, press the opposite motorcycle at the beginning of the motorcycle, and press the ghost swallow only when the ghost swallow is followed by the output (you make sure that he has enough fire). Star Bear gives priority to Moto, and Moto will fight back against the enemy and put himself in prison.

Reason for recommendation:

Dispel and prevent the eyes of hell and demons. If the opposite side is controlled quickly, Dirt will immediately give a friend a bath (the big move also has a push bar that occasionally has a magic effect), but Dirt can only dispel. If your team is short of fire and milk, you can choose an insect master to smoke the sp donkey.

It is not necessary to mention numerical monsters when cutting snakes, but it is recommended not to open the streamer immediately without reason. First, shrink in the shell for a few rounds, and then open it after the devil is almost dead.

Canglian can prevent ghost swallowing, and will be given shield passively after one shot of maiming. Each round of dispelling can have shield, and enjoy the bonus of ghost swallowing and residual blood. Canglian can take no milk.

Snow Ghost Dog Tianda can counter control and passively fold it up to produce a great output. Passively fold it up to make a big one that can roll the snake out of its shell.

Only Star Bear Meng Po can use the control card. I have tried other control cards with very ordinary effects.

Among the spaghetti, most of the spaghetti bunny spaghetti can be controlled at the same time, followed by the sp donkey, which can be dispelled. The sp face is the worst, but its speed is high and it can resist the soul and fire. The output in the later stage is good. It depends on what your team lacks.

 Yin Yang Master: New Hundred Ghost Chess Strategies

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