Z-BlogPHP plug-in: schedule tasks, access 1.0.1 regularly


Author: sleepless

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Function description:

1. Realize PHP timing function

1.1. Similar to the pagoda plan task

2. Temporarily only supports scheduled access to the specified url type interface

3. Three scheduled execution modes are supported

3.1. Access Trigger Execution

3.1.1. Triggered by real user access, the collection will be interrupted due to the impact of the web server running timeout, and the timeout of the web server needs to be modified (some topics do not support) It is incompatible with most static cache plug-ins, and must be accessed by real users to trigger

3.2. Z-Blog PHP core module triggers execution

3.2.1. Triggered by ZB system, with low memory occupation, it is not recommended to start a new station (within one month of normal 'operation')! Incompatible with most static cache plug-ins

3.3. PHP CLI Trigger Execution

3.3.1. Use the php cli command line mode to run tasks, which can generally run stably, but requires the web server to have the permission to execute commands The proc_open function needs to be enabled in the cli command line mode

3.3.2. To customize the php execution file, you need to check whether the website has enabled directory access restrictions (open_basedir). Most Linux servers have enabled directory access restrictions. Please refer to Actual capacity Enter the specified file or use only the default


1. Fix a problem that caused the process to not be completely destroyed when using the CLI mode, which caused the command line to fail to execute normally

2. Add shortcut entry selection

2.1. Support left list and upper right navigation

3. The default page of the plug-in is adjusted from the setting page to the scheduled task management page



