In December 2019, the public account "Dream Chenfeng" was re registered.

In October 2021, the WeChat applet "Dream Chenfeng" was registered.

I'm very happy that the dream Chenfeng is still there, and I am still there. More happily, there are several friends like Deed and Yuyi in Jiangnan who are willing to help make the dream Chenfeng continue to exist in a new form.

On October 12, we found the open source work "emlog applet client" of "Zhang Ziheng's web log". If I need to go online, I need a registered domain name to access. Unfortunately, I don't have such a domain name. But thanks @Deed @Yu Recalls the South of the Yangtze River Two friends are willing to resolve a secondary domain name of their registered domain name to me for access.

On the 13th, register the applet, and then modify the source code of the "emlog applet version client".

On the 15th, it was officially launched.

At present, the applet can browse all articles of Fantasy Chenfeng, including those not pushed to the public account. It supports searching for articles by site plate classification, and also supports searching.

Comments can be viewed but not submitted.

The hr tag and blockquote tag of the article page, as well as h3 and h4, are not effective. I wrote the style, but it was useless. Plus! Important is still useless. If you have a way, please help me. Thank you, boss.

In addition, the applet can be used normally. Finally, I wish you a pleasant use.

 Applet Diagram


@jaeheng : "emlog applet client" (Github address:

@deed : Deed blog (web address: Click to enter

@Yu Recalls the South of the Yangtze River : Yu Yi Jiangnan (web address: Click to enter

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