
This is the murmur of a lonely person, just like the old lady's clumsy firewood, you may choke and just want to quit. Although I don't know whether the fire will suddenly burn up, it can be sure that it will be very uncomfortable in a smoky day.

Some time ago, I watched the talk show conference again and looked at my favorite Wang Jianguo. The feeling of "mourning" seemed to be much lighter. But it is also a pity that even if we actively embrace the world, we are still the second child. Efforts and no efforts, changes and no changes, although the results have not changed, but the process has become a happy dripping.

I remember who I said to, in fact, I have always been very introverted and sad. Although they don't believe me, this is the most true side of me.

And this feeling, when a person is alone, will always come to my heart like a tide. I don't want to share this loss with anyone when facing it alone. However, it is not you who rely on to get out of this funeral.

Just like the homophonic stem that Wang Jianguo once said:

If the connection between people is electric current, then my goal is to pull down the switch when I want to be quiet. When I am lonely enough, I will push back the switch.

I wish that if I lived in the city, you would not be allowed to leave the city. If I lived in the village, you would not be allowed to leave the village. Because after passing this village, there is no such store (electricity).

Unfortunately, I always like being alone. That is why I always like to paint the ground as a prison, leaving a gap between myself and the world.

After reading WeChat, a friend said that I will always be the one who has no contact. It's normal. No matter what happens, I basically don't contact people. Do not like communication, do not like talking, do not like human beings. The feeling of loss always makes people like to be in a daze in the virtual world, or look around blankly in the blank of time.

Why do you like this isolated loneliness?

I don't know. Just like before, I always liked to drive alone to Tangbula to watch the sunset, and drive alone to the mountains to wait for the dark. One person's silence, one world's silence. There is no noisy trivia in the world, no endless things to face. In such days, long silence, but I always feel that I want to break through this fence.

As time goes by, I gradually get used to being a member of the world. The whole world has become a cage. I am inside and outside.

Just like a few days ago, I was alone in the county seat, along the road of the county seat, watching cars coming and going, as if I had gone back to the days when I was studying alone in the county seat ten years ago. I walked past the shoe store where I used to go to the treacherous merchant uncle, and he was still the same. When he bought a pair of shoes, he found his conscience and gave away a pair of socks. After chatting, they became passers-by again. When I arrived at the small steamed bun shop, I found that the boss was no longer the boss, and tofu brain, no longer had the same flavor.

When I was in Yining City, I walked through streets and alleys and drilled through countless alleys for the taste of tofu brain. But when I couldn't think of it, the shops I walked through while looking for the so-called tofu brain deep in my memory have all closed down and changed owners in recent years. It seems that the root cause lies in the taste I have been looking for, which has also changed owners.

Turning my head, I watched people coming and going like fleeting shadows. In my eyes, everything was open at double speed, while I stood in place and watched everything come and go.

It seems that the whole world has nothing to do with me anymore. I am in it, but I am not in it.

Following the memory, I returned to the present. I was facing the computer alone, and I used the keyboard to slowly emerge my feelings from the bottom of my heart on the surface of the water. But look around me, there is no one. If you look at it with other eyes, it is full of people. When I face the words, I look for this kind of Dugu.

When you find it, you will taste it alone. After a long taste, I like this taste. But this kind of taste gets along slowly for a long time, but it will slowly get tired, and want to return to that kind of noise again.

People, it seems that they are always doing everything in such a humble way.

My process is long and short. It seems that we never like loneliness. We just don't like the noisy floating dust.

However, after being alone for a long time, a person slowly loses the taste of the crowd, but he will think of the world again, wrapped in a bit of worldly smoke.

With the whole world, he has transformed himself into a cage. He who is imprisoned has himself and the whole world.

Hello, my name is Jiang Chen. I was born in Room 19970926, Xinjiang, and I am currently in Room 20140210, Dream Chenfeng. what about you? Where is this cage?

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