Developer of AI driven work assistant: Glean Technologies, Inc

Glean Technologies, Inc., founded in 2019, headquartered in Palo Alto, California, USA, Glean is artificial intelligence Driven work assistant can connect and understand all your enterprise knowledge and provide you with the answers you need.

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Glean Technologies, Inc

Glean is composed of Google It was founded by an experienced team composed of search engineers and industry veterans. The founders include Arvind Jain, Piyush Prahladka, Tony Gentilcore and TR Vishwanath. The article originates from the home of American stocks | encyclopedia of American stocks | account opening and investment of American and Hong Kong stocks-

Glean is an AI driven work assistant that uses its most advanced proprietary search engine to provide highly personalized results based on who you are, what you are doing, and the people you work with. With Glean, new employees can get on board faster, and employees can quickly find the answers they need or the people who can help. Glean is easy to use and ready to use: it can be set up quickly without professional services or manual fine-tuning. The article originates from the home of American stocks | encyclopedia of American stocks | account opening and investment of American and Hong Kong stocks-

Glean Workplace Search It is a workplace search driven by artificial intelligence, and it is a next-generation enterprise search that can help you find the answers you need immediately. No matter where you work, you can experience the company's collective knowledge in one place. Glean has more than 100 connectors and can search all the company's applications to find exactly what you need. Glean's API supports searching across other enterprise applications. The article originates from the home of American stocks | encyclopedia of American stocks | account opening and investment of American and Hong Kong stocks-

Glean Platform It provides a comprehensive foundation for enterprises to build customized generative AI applications. Glean goes beyond the general model and integrates with more than 100 enterprise data sources, including comprehensive authority awareness, security, and deep personalization supported by comprehensive knowledge maps. The article originates from the home of American stocks | encyclopedia of American stocks | account opening and investment of American and Hong Kong stocks-

Glean Assistant It is an enterprise level digital workplace assistant supported by next-generation AI. The most advanced technology can ensure the accuracy and security level that the general artificial intelligence model cannot reach. Glean provides more relevant and accurate information by understanding your company's content, internal language, people and relationships. Glean considers all real-time enterprise data permissions and ensures that users can only access the information they are authorized to view. Glean links to source information across documents, conversations, and applications, so you can trust the answers provided. The article originates from the home of American stocks | encyclopedia of American stocks | account opening and investment of American and Hong Kong stocks-

Glean Knowledge Management Bring together all the knowledge of the company for easy discovery and navigation. The article originates from the home of American stocks | encyclopedia of American stocks | account opening and investment of American and Hong Kong stocks-

  • Find answers to frequently asked questions quickly. No longer copy/paste or rewrite the same answer for everyone.
  • The search ranking will show the correct answers, even for different questions.
  • Save the answers in the Slack dialogue directly.
  • The surface uses the Slackbot to answer automatically.
  • Control which departments can see specific answers.
  • Collections appear in search results and can be added to answer cards.
  • Aggregates links and documents for various applications.
  • Write a custom description of each item and reorder the items as needed.

Glean Work Hub  It is your first choice to obtain company resources, announcements and team contacts. The article originates from the home of American stocks | encyclopedia of American stocks | account opening and investment of American and Hong Kong stocks-

  • Simplify communication and eliminate noise from other communication platforms. Don't miss any important announcements.
  • The announcement carousel appears at the top of Glean's home page, so no one will miss important company news.
  • Share announcements by department and location so that people can only see information relevant to them.
  • Find past announcements by searching for them and organizing them into collections.
  • Share company OKR, planning documents and analysis so that everyone can understand the situation.
  • Never forget where 401k, insurance and other benefits information is.

Glean Connectors Connect all existing applications. Experience the power of the company's collective knowledge in one place. Glean connects more than 100 applications through native, push APIs, and connectors based on network history.  
The article originates from the home of American stocks | encyclopedia of American stocks | account opening and investment of American and Hong Kong stocks-

Glean SECURITY : Constructed from the beginning by an experienced team, security, privacy and compliance have been the top priority since the first day. Glean is developed based on modern security principles, including the zero trust security model, strong authentication practices, the principle of least privilege, and the left shift method of incorporating security into design, development, and operation. The article originates from the home of American stocks | encyclopedia of American stocks | account opening and investment of American and Hong Kong stocks-

Glean Technologies, Inc. Financing Encyclopedia

In March 2019, Glean Technologies, Inc. completed Kleiner Perkins and Lightspeed Venture The round A financing of 15 million US dollars led by Partners and followed by Slack Fund.

In March 2021, Glean Technologies, Inc. will complete General Catalyst The US $40 million round B financing led by the investor, Kleiner Perkins Lightspeed Venture Partners and Slack Fund follow suit.

In May 2022, Glean Technologies, Inc. will complete Sequoia Capital The round C financing of $100 million led by the investment, General Catalyst Kleiner Perkins, Lightspeed Venture Partners and Slack Fund.

In February 2024, Glean Technologies, Inc. completed the round D financing of $203.2 million led by Kleiner Perkins and Lightspeed Venture Partners Sequoia Capital Coatue Wait for the follow-up.

Glean Technologies, Inc. US equity investment

Unlisted company Company official website , waiting for Glean Technologies, Inc IPO Listing.

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  • This article is written by Originated by American Stock House Published at 08:56:10, April 20, 2024
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