Necessary settings for Google adsense ads to increase click rate and revenue
Login in the advertising management to set the advertising of each website: main automatic advertising, overlapping advertising format, page advertising format, interspersed advertising display frequency, etc. Google advertising is basically not clickable without Google Bing's foreign traffic, because domestic users' browsers are basically all blocked from advertising display. 1. Modify the advertising login to set the advertising of each website in the advertising management: main automatic advertising, overlapping advertising format, page width
Lao Yang Lao Yang's Memories three hundred and forty-five
Baidu Knows Aggregate Q&A Articles
Aggregated Baidu knows that the Q&A release articles automatically process the existing articles related to tag generation on the website. From Baidu, it knows that the tag collection interval of articles generated by aggregation cannot be set too small, in case of security authentication and failure to collect. Automatic processing of label related articles Default classification: label interval: ->value, default 10 minutes, manual updating of author ID: ->maximum number of characters separated by symbols for multiple author IDs Zblog plug-in Zblog collection Zblog article
Lao Yang Zblog collection plug-in three thousand seven hundred and forty-seven
Topic List Thumbnail Custom Optimization
The optimization theme uses the system default thumbnail to repeatedly generate a large number of default thumbnail files. Optimize and maintain the image path of the original thumbnail, increase and set the thumbnail image compression rate, reduce the image volume, speed up the network response, and improve the user experience. List thumbnails can be called randomly from user-defined images. The problem of repeatedly generating a large number of default thumbnail files occurs when optimizing the theme to use the system default thumbnail. Optimize and maintain the image path of the original thumbnail, increase the setting thumbnail image pressure Theme plug-in Template plug-in
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in four hundred and eighty-six
Automatic typesetting removing label style attribute
Automatic typesetting of article content, customized alt information of image SEO, removed redundant style attribute of all html tags, stopped the trouble of copying and pasting large amount of redundant style information of content, processed and collected some symbol spaces, indented first line of paragraph, changed color of random paragraph, automatic typesetting of article content, customized alt information of image SEO, Remove all redundant style attributes of html tags, and no longer bother copying
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in four hundred and eighty-four
Disable the previous and next articles of the topic to optimize database resource consumption
The update of data optimization plug-in once checked the problem of server popularity for users, that is, disable the previous and next articles of the theme, and solve the problem immediately. For articles with millions or hundreds of thousands of big data, the previous and next functions used in the articles are very resource consuming, and many topics also directly use the system's default function module of the previous and next articles. ZB uses the log_PostTime field to compare data by default, which consumes database resources. Here we insert
Lao Yang Lao Yang's Memories two hundred and seventy-seven
Spark auto comment, iFLYTEK Spark cognition model
IFLYTEK's big model of spark cognition: regular automatic reviews of articles automatically release original intelligent reviews, and random articles automatically comment and leave messages, increasing the activity and popularity of articles, which is conducive to seo inclusion. The reviewers are random users, random IP addresses, random browsers, and UAs. IFLYTEK's big model of spark cognition, regular automatic comments on articles, automatic release of original intelligent comments, automatic comments on random articles, increasing the activity and popularity of articles is conducive to SEO inclusion, reviewers Ai writing Zblog plug-in Zblog comments
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in seven hundred and forty-nine
IFLYTEK Spark cognition model automatically publishes original articles
IFLYTEK's new generation of cognitive intelligence model is a powerful domestic version of chatgpt intelligent AI model. It has cross domain knowledge and language understanding ability, and can understand and perform tasks based on natural dialogue! According to the user's requirements, create attractive and emotional business copy, create various forms of marketing plans according to the description, create rigorous and detailed original articles of press releases according to the news elements, and rewrite the content of the articles with pseudo original and rewritten double labels Ai writing Zblog plug-in Zblog article
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in one thousand and sixty-seven
Million data optimization pure static cache data table separation
Laoyang plug-in: million database optimization alleviates server popularity, data table index optimization, article content database table partition optimization or separate txt file optimization, automatically generates html pure static cache, reduces website resource consumption, improves website access response speed, and truly pure static rules. Generating imperial static html can turn off php and mysql for access. LY_Million data optimization Pure static cache data separation, million data Zblog plug-in Zblog optimization Zblog article mysql
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in three thousand three hundred and thirty-seven
DPlayer video player
Adapt the video video playback inserted by the UEditor class editor. It supports playing. mp4.m3u8.flv. Disabling the plug-in has no effect. Multiple videos can be inserted and played in one article. After opening, the front end uses the DPlayer player regardless of the videos in the old and new articles Note: only the real video file address link is supported. Adapt to the video video playback inserted by the UEditor class editor, and disable the plug-in will not Zblog plug-in
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in three thousand four hundred and fifty-two
Laoyang Blog, a New Start
It's really difficult to persist in building a website for so many years. The website has never had a weight of more than 3. Yesterday, I sold all the websites that have been built for 7 years. Today, I re registered a domain name to build this website, and I have been walking further and further on the road of webmaster. Such a seven-year website has been sold, and for seven years, Baidu Index has stood at 1.21 million yuan, Sogou has included 1.48 million yuan, Shenma has included 60000 yuan, and the headlines have also included it, a little sad and a little sad... Insist on standing
Lao Yang Lao Yang's Memories one thousand and seventy-seven
Zblog locomotive login free release module
LY_Unless login publishing article API The login free release article API plug-in supports regular filtering settings. Even if you use the ordinary free version locomotive, you can also regularly filter the collected content. LY_Unless login publishing article API No login publishing article API plug-in support is
Lao Yang Zblog collection plug-in three thousand and thirty-six
Browser review and cookie extraction tutorial, taking headline search as an example
1. First, open the headline search page in the browser. It is recommended to open it in a browser traceless manner, refresh the search twice on the search results page, and then press F12 on the keyboard to open the browser review element development tool. 2. Then click the Network tab. 3. The file name of the current page at the name processing point is normally the first. 4. Find the cookie ID and copy it completely. 1. First open it in the browser
Lao Yang Lao Yang's Memories five hundred and ninety-five