Zhipu AI auto comment article
Wisdom spectrum AI big model, regular automatic review of articles, automatic release of original intelligent reviews, automatic answer of article questions, automatic comment and message of random articles, increase the activity and popularity of articles, which is conducive to seo inclusion, and random user name, random IP address, random browser UA of reviewers. Wisdom spectrum AI big model, regular automatic comments on articles, automatic release of original intelligent comments, automatic answer to article questions, automatic comments on random articles, increase the activity and popularity of articles, including Ai writing Zblog plug-in
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in three hundred and seventy-six
404 Random articles
404seo, 404 pages display random articles, or different 404 pages have fixed random articles, 404 pages 301 redirect to the designated website, 404 pages 301 redirect to the article link to the article page 404seo, 404 pages display random articles, or different 404 pages have fixed random articles, 404 pages 301 redirect to the designated website, 404 Page 301 Redirect to the article link Jump to the article
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in three hundred and sixty-five
Post articles and comments
Publish articles and publish comments at the same time. Edit articles and publish comments at the same time. Customize comments. You can randomly comment on website users or anonymous users (random IP information, random browser UA information). Publishing and editing articles can customize the current chapter comments and quickly publish the set comments. Publish articles and comments at the same time, edit articles and publish comments at the same time, customize comments, and random website users can
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in two hundred and twenty-two
Log in to visible comments, visible hidden content
The hidden content can only be seen after logging in to visible hidden content, or the hidden content can only be seen after comments are visible hidden content is displayed after comments are visible. It supports setting user level to open hidden content, and it supports static cache page to log in to visible hidden content. The hidden content can only be seen after logging in, or the hidden content can only be seen after comments are visible hidden content is displayed, Support setting user level open and hidden content, and support static caching pages. Hidden level ->higher than the set level Theme plug-in Template plug-in
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in four hundred and five
Batch add website users
Batch registration of website users, random user name or specified user name, random password or specified password, batch upload of avatar images, registration of users, random avatar, batch registration of website users, random user name or specified user name, random password or specified password, Batch upload of avatar images Registered users Random avatar Registered user level ->Newly generated user and password Registered user password: ->Unified password for registered users, blank is random password Registered users
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in two hundred and ninety
Edit the article and automatically jump to the next article in the current state
When an edited article is submitted and saved, it will automatically jump to the next article in the current status, so there is no need to re filter the article status list. When an edited article is submitted and saved, it will automatically jump to the next approved article. When a draft is submitted and saved, it will automatically jump to the next draft article. When an edited article is submitted and saved publicly, it will automatically jump to the next public article, Automatically jump to the next article in the same status after deleting the article Edit the article Automatically jump to the next one in the current status after submitting and saving the article
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in one hundred and seventy-seven
Zhipu AI big model, automatically sending original articles
Based on the leading 100 billion level multilingual and multimodal pre training model, the MaaS open platform of the Zhipu AI big model creates a new paradigm of efficient and universal "model as a service" AI development. The technology achievements of the computer department of Tsinghua University are transformed into the third generation base big model ChatGLM3 language model, the new generation knowledge enhancement big language model, the "ChatGPT" of the domestic version, and the artifact of automatic text generation, New sharp tools for creating original articles make it easy for you to create high-quality articles Ai writing Zblog plug-in Zblog article
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in six hundred and sixty-nine
Automatically extract weighted traffic keywords
Enter the domain name to automatically extract the weight of the domain name website in Aizhan, save the traffic keywords as a txt file, enter the domain name to automatically extract the weight of the domain name website in Aizhan, save the traffic keywords as a txt file, weight word type: Baidu Mobile 360360 Mobile Sogou Sogou Mobile Shenma Toutiao Bing search volume is greater than: - "default 0, How many keywords are saved when the search volume is greater than? Enter the domain name: ->Write the domain name directly
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in four hundred and ninety-seven
WeChat code scanning authorization login
WeChat users automatically register website users and automatically log in to the website. The PC end displays WeChat QR code. WeChat scanning directly registers or logs in. In WeChat APP, directly click authorization to directly register or log in, authorize to obtain WeChat user name and WeChat avatar. WeChat login automatically registers website users for the first time, Only the public accounts authenticated by enterprises and individuals have the right to use WeChat pages to authorize users to log in WeChat users to automatically register website users and automatically log in website, and WeChat II is displayed on the PC side
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in four hundred and two
Article Picture Slide Album
Automatic processing of article content and pictures is concentrated in the slideshow album light box, and article pictures are SEO optimized. LightGallery is a lightweight, customizable, responsive, and modular jQuery LightBox image gallery plug-in. It supports mobile touch devices, keyboard control, and a variety of animation transition effects. It is a very excellent LightBox plug-in. Automatic processing of article content, pictures, and slide show lights Theme plug-in Template plug-in
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in three hundred and thirty-six
Tencent Cloud, AliCloud, Huawei Cloud, Baidu Cloud, Qiniu Cloud, and other small factories' general AWSS3 protocol object storage
Tencent Cloud COS AliCloud OSS Huawei Cloud OBS Baidu Cloud BOS Qiniu Cloud Photography Cloud Other Small Factories Common AWSS3 Protocol Object Storage AliCloud Object Storage OSS Key: Tencent Cloud COS AliCloud OSS Huawei Cloud OBS Baidu Cloud BOS Qiniu Cloud Photography Cloud Other Small Factories Common AWSS3 Protocol Object Storage AliCloud Object Storage OSS Key: https://ram.console.aliyun.c ……
Lao Yang Lao Yang's Memories two hundred and eighty-seven
AWS_S3 protocol general object storage
Universal AWS S3 protocol object storage service for the whole network, FTP space Tencent Cloud COS AliCloud OSS Huawei Cloud OBS Baidu Cloud BOS Qiniu Cloud took another picture of the object storage of the general AWS S3 protocol for other small factories, uploaded image attachments are automatically synchronized to the object storage graph bed FTP graph bed, and attachment management deletion also synchronously deletes files on the cloud, You can also retrieve the image attachment stored in the object to the local universal AWS S3 protocol object storage service
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in three hundred and sixty-six