Docker has roughly browsed the overall architecture diagram of Docker before, which is similar to the C/S architecture model. Users use Docker Client to deliver with Docker Daemon

FROMARG is prior to only indicating that FROM is in Dockerfile. See Understanding the Interaction between ARG and FROM. FROM can appear multiple times at a time

If you haven't read it yet, you can click to view the last two articles: Webpack Best Practices Summary (I) and Webpack Best Practices Summary (II). Well, this is the third and final article. I feel

The last article introduced four techniques for Webpack optimization projects, namely, the compression of JavaScript files through the UglifyJS plug-in, css load

I haven't written an article for a long time. This time, it is expected to bring three Webpack series articles, which will be updated (already updated) in the next few days. As for the basic knowledge, I wrote an article "Webpack..."

This article mainly discusses the problem of JavaScript in single thread and its solutions. Focusing on the browser and Node.js, the content may not be precise and there may be errors. Please point out

At present, the implementation methods of the functions that can be used for real-time communication on the front-end browser mainly include WebSocket, Poll, Long poll and DDP protocol WebSocket

Since I started web development, I have been trying to understand and even achieve performance optimization. I have never written an article to sort out these. So today I have this article. First, performance optimization is a

The purpose of this article is to record my understanding of HTTP caching mechanism and ServiceWorker's cacheStorage caching mechanism

Content negotiation Before introducing Brotli, let's talk about HTTP content negotiation. Sometimes, the same URL can provide multiple different documents, which requires that there is a

Finally, I took the time to do simple sorting. The content is relatively basic. It is mainly to granulate knowledge points to facilitate future search and deeper understanding. It can be regarded as notes. Functional programming is a "programming paradigm"

I'm ready for the end of April. This month, I only wrote two articles on my blog and deleted one article on hydrology. In fact, I have been reading books. By the end of March and the beginning of April, I had written the entire JavaScri