This binding rule notes
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This binding rule notes
in Note with 0 comment

Yes, this is also a reading note, recording the relevant content of this in the second part of Volume I of JavaScript You Don't Know, with a lot of additions, deletions and personal understanding.

What is this

It's hard to say what this is, but only a mechanism of JavaScript

This is bound at run time, not at writing time. Its context depends on various conditions when the function is called. The binding of this has nothing to do with the position of the function declaration, but depends on the way the function is called

When a function is called, an activity record (execution context) will be created. This record will contain information such as where the function is called (call stack), the function calling method, and the passed in parameters. This is one of the recorded attributes, which will be used during function execution

In other words, this is the binding that occurs when a function is called. What it points to depends entirely on where the function is called

Call location

The call location is where the function is called in the code, not where it is declared. Finding the calling location is "where the function is called"

Analyzing the call stack is all the functions called to reach the current execution location

Binding Rules

How the call location determines the binding object of this during the execution of the function

Find the call location, and how to judge according to the four rules: default binding, implicit binding, explicit binding, and new binding

Default Binding

This rule can be seen as the default rule when other rules cannot be applied

for example

 function foo(){ console.log(this.a); } var a=2; foo();

In the code, foo() It is called directly by using the function reference without any decoration. It can only use the default binding and cannot apply other rules

If it is strict mode, the global object cannot use the default binding, so this will be bound to undefined

Implicit binding

This rule considers whether there is a context object at the call location, or whether it is owned or contained by an object

for example

 function foo(){ console.log(this.a); } var obj = { a:2, foo:foo }; // two

When a function is referenced to a context object, the implicit binding rule will bind this in the function call to the context object.
Because calling foo() This is bound to obj, so this. a is the same as obj. a

Only the top layer or the last layer of gray in the object attribute reference chain affects the call location, such as

 function foo(){ console.log(this.a); } var obj2 = { a:32, foo:foo } var obj1 = { a:2, obj2:obj2 }; // thirty-two

Explicit binding

When analyzing implicit binding, we must include an attribute pointing to a function in an object, and indirectly reference the function through this attribute, so that this is indirectly (implicitly) bound to the object. If we don't want to include a function reference inside an object, but want to force a function to be called on an object, we can use the call() and apply() method

call() and apply() The first parameter of is an object. They will bind this object to this, and then specify this when calling the function. Because the binding object of this can be specified directly, it is called explicit binding

for example

 function foo(){ console.log(this.a); } var obj = { a:2 };; // two

ES5 also provides us with a hard binding method Function.prototype.bind , as follows

 function foo(something){ console.log(this.a,something); return this.a + something; } var obj = { a:2 } var bar = foo.bind(obj); var b = bar(3); // 2 3 console.log(b); // five

New binding

Use new to call the function, or when the constructor is called, the following operations will be automatically executed

1. Create (construct) a completely new object
2. This new object will be linked by executing [Prototype]
3. This new object will be bound to this function call
4. If the function does not return any other object, the function call in the new expression will automatically return this new object

for example

 function foo(a){ this.a = a; } var bar = new foo(2); console.log(bar.a);


The default binding priority is the lowest of the four rules

Explicit binding takes precedence over implicit binding

New binding has higher priority than implicit binding

The priority of new binding is higher than that of explicit binding

Judge this

If you want to judge the binding of this to a running function, you need to find the direct calling location of this function. After finding it, you can apply four rules in the following order to determine the binding object of this

1. Called by new? Bind to newly created object
2. Called by call or apply (or bind)? Bind to the specified object
3. Called by the context object? Bind to that context object
4. By default, bind to undefined in strict mode, otherwise bind to global objects

This morphology

There is a special function type in ES6 that cannot apply the four rules mentioned above: arrow function

The arrow function is not defined with the function keyword, but with a fat arrow => Defined.

The arrow function does not use the four standard rules of this, but determines this according to the outer (function or global) scope

for example

 function foo(){ return(a)=>{ console.log(this.a); }; } var obj1 = { a:2 }; var obj2 = { a:3 }; var bar =;; // two

foo() The internally created arrow function will capture the foo() This. Since this of foo() is bound to obj1, and this of bar is also bound to obj1, the binding of arrow function cannot be modified (nor can new)

Not much content, so far~
