Multi user configuration of SSserver (4)
in Tutorial with 3 comments
Multi user configuration of SSserver (4)
in Tutorial with 3 comments

In the last part, there are really many online tutorials about this part, and they are very practical. I really don't have the idea of writing another one. So I moved the top one on SEO to teach you how to conduct multi-user configuration. If you have seen the first three tutorials in the series, it would be better, because multi-user configuration is more specific to the whole series, Help people build more SSservers of their own.

Of course, the moving part is the Summary of Shadowsocks Configuration for Tile Movers (www.jianshu. com/p/36e55c289d65)

The old rule is to enter the terminal with root permission.

Enter the following command to open the configuration file

 vi /etc/shadowsocks.json

Because it has been configured before, it contains the configuration information of a single user. You need to delete the content and add the multi-user configuration information to it

 { "Server": "Server IP Address", "local_address":"", "local_port":1080, "port_password":{ "9011":"1234567890", "9012":"4561237980", "9013":"3216549870", "9014":"0987654321" }, "timeout":300, "method":"rc4-md5", "fast_open": false }

Add the above content, overwrite the original content, save and exit

Front end start

 ssserver -c /etc/shadowsocks.json

Back end startup

 ssserver -c /etc/shadowsocks.json -d start
 ssserver -c /etc/shadowsocks.json -d stop

Configuration description:

Name Explanation
server The address your server listens (server IP)
local_address The address your local listens
local_port Local port
port_password Password used for encryption
timeout In seconds
method Default: "rc4-md5", (encryption mode)
fast_open Use TCP_FASTOPEN, true/false (whether to use TCP or not)

The first part of the series of tutorials has realized boot up, so no further configuration is required

Ok, so far, the whole series of tutorials on the construction and configuration of SSserver has finally ended. I also filled in the hole that I promised to teach others how to build. At the same time, I hope this tutorial will be helpful to everyone.

The series of tutorials are as follows:

The auxiliary tutorials are as follows:

  1. I hope the blogger will give a tutorial on limiting the number of simultaneous online devices of a certain port number and the monthly traffic limit of a certain port

    1. @Passerby A

      You can go to github to find ss bash, which can control the number of users and traffic statistics limits, but the number of control ports should not be used, which I haven't paid much attention to

    2. @Passerby A

      You need to know more about this later: p
