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Tutorial Notes two hundred and seventy-three

Li Yang's personal blog tutorial notes mainly share various problems and solutions in the process of computer software, operating system and website construction, and is committed to creating a high-quality tutorial note sharing platform.
 Image and text tutorial for remote backup of MySQL database using AliCloud OSS cloud storage Tutorial Notes

Image and text tutorial for remote backup of MySQL database using AliCloud OSS cloud storage

Hello I came here again. I spent a day yesterday writing an article about backup of database files by a local scheduled task. Today, I have to make great efforts to make a remote backup after thinking about it. After all, if the server is invaded or other problems cause damage to files and databases, it is not meaningful to have a local backup in time. I have to make a remote backup

 Record Linux's scheduled backup of MySQL database files, detailed graphic tutorials, and limit the small white guy to bypass Tutorial Notes

Record Linux's scheduled backup of MySQL database files, detailed graphic tutorials, and limit the small white guy to bypass

The more and more functions of the pagoda panel have led some users to abandon the pagoda and change to the original Linux. Although the operation is not very convenient, it focuses on a clean one. Today, I recorded the relevant graphic and text tutorials of the other ECS for regularly backing up MySQL database files, because I rarely contact the Linux system

 How to download the theme templates and plug-ins purchased by the zblog application center Tutorial Notes

How to download the theme templates and plug-ins purchased by the zblog application center

The latest contact with Xiaobai is more. It seems that the personal blog website is still growing. I will not repeat the benefits of being a personal website here. Let's talk about the simplest and most easily overlooked problem Xiaobai encountered, that is, how to download the theme template or plug-in purchased in the application center to our website, how to enable the theme template and plug-in, and say

 How to solve the problem that the Java project Spring_boot type is added to the pagoda and it always displays the status of not being started? Tutorial Notes

Hot text How to solve the problem that the Java project Spring_boot type is added to the pagoda and it always displays the status of not being started?

My mom, I haven't written an article for a long time, and I worked a lot at the end of the year recently. There was a java project before, but there was a cross domain problem when I tested the interface locally. But there was no pagoda in the java project, and it was built by myself, so I couldn't understand it. So I thought about getting it, but I added it to the java project

 Zblog website development tutorial, using theme template with initial data, website part setting tutorial guide Tutorial Notes

Hot text Zblog website development tutorial, using theme template with initial data, website part setting tutorial guide

Since many people are Xiaobai, the newly installed website does not like to be empty, so according to everyone's feedback, a new website resource is created with some default data. Customers who purchase the website can directly download the backup data of the website. After installing the theme, they can modify it without being empty. Some installation data and configuration are as follows

 The problem and solution of a tag nesting a tag in optimizing web page link structure Tutorial Notes

Hot text The problem and solution of a tag nesting a tag in optimizing web page link structure

Recently, I received many netizens' feedback that if you want to add a link to the article page in the summary, the first impression is that it is very simple. It is good to add a tag. No, it seems very simple, but it is easier to actually operate. Why do you say that, ha~my template is generally a summary list part, which is used for display, and some topics are integrated into the a

 How to change the zblog PHP administrator's avatar and name Tutorial Notes

Hot text How to change the zblog PHP administrator's avatar and name

A lot of people really asked me about this question. I never thought that changing the avatar was a problem. On the contrary, it should be blamed on the official. It was clear that an interface could be set and had to be written dead. As a result, many white people who just came into contact with zbp could not figure out how to change it. Take this opportunity to talk about how to improve the administrator's avatar and name, as shown in the figure: changing

 When recording the activation of Navicat, you will be prompted: How to solve the problem of No All Pattern Found File Already Pattered Tutorial Notes

Hot text When recording the activation of Navicat, you will be prompted: How to solve the problem of No All Pattern Found File Already Pattered

Today, there was a problem when debugging the MySQL database. You can't use the local link to debug remotely, so you used the Navicat software. I remember that it was installed before, but it was in the trial state and expired long ago. So when you open the software today, you will be prompted that you need to activate it, because occasionally

 What if you want to ban all the URLs with question marks included in Baidu, but worry about banning the home page address? Tutorial Notes

recommend What if you want to ban all the URLs with question marks included in Baidu, but worry about banning the home page address?

Recently, some friends often ask what happened when websites were included, but the URL of the home page was mixed with some special symbols, and whether it would affect the weight of the home page. With the continuous development of network technology, website security and user experience become more and more important. In order to protect the security of website content, many websites will be adulterated by default

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