After Zblog publishes the article, it prompts that it is successful, but there is no article in the article management and the foreground. How to solve this problem?

Li Yang's Blog 2022-09-16 4.79 K Reading 3 Comments

Last article updated: October 27, 2022 Has exceeded five hundred and thirty-nine No updates for days.

Before the festival, I met an error fed back by a netizen. When he posted the article at the front desk, he prompted that the article had been published successfully, but there was no article in the article management, and the front end of the web page did not display the article, which means that this article has become the sixth child, hehe. But in the holidays, I have to watch children all the time, and time is not allowed to study. I began to find the problem after I did not go to work, At first, my direction was the same as that on the Internet. It should be that the permissions were not enough, which made it impossible to write, so the display was successful. In fact, it was unsuccessful. But when I logged in to the background and viewed the files, the permissions were basically normal, and there was no permission problem.

 After Zblog publishes the article, it prompts that it is successful, but there is no article in the article management and the foreground. How to solve this problem? Page 1

Well, since it's not about authority, it must be plug-in unit Well, I began to check the plug-ins, and found that the user center only used one plug-in to pirate. Uh huh, the LayCenter plug-in is available, as shown in the figure:

 After Zblog publishes the article, it prompts that it is successful, but there is no article in the article management and the foreground. How to solve this problem? Page 2

It's a happy version. I'm so happy that I deleted all the fields in the data table. It's not happy. So I really don't recommend using pirated data. The data is priceless, and there must be a back door to pirated data. Otherwise, why is it so cheap, and some are still free to download and use? If there is less data, it's enough. What if there are tens of thousands of data? You can't find a place to cry. Come to see the data table of Zbp's article:

 After Zblog publishes the article, it prompts that it is successful, but there is no article in the article management and the foreground. How to solve this problem? Page 3

How surprised or not? It is impossible for a data table to be published normally without a single field TM, so the solution to the problem is to uninstall piracy Software , Reinstall zblog , clear the database first, download the zblogphp installation package again after deleting the website file, decompress and install again, log in to the background to publish the article for testing, and everything is fine.

The step of troubleshooting the zbp error problem is to first troubleshoot the plug-in, which is the cause of the general problem, followed by the permission problem, and possibly the server configuration problem. If it fails in the end, it is necessary to consider the database. With this set of processes, you can find the problem and solve the problem. OK, leave a message about other problems.

Article copyright notice: unless otherwise noted Lao Li's Notes For original articles, reprints or copies, please use hyperlinks and indicate the source.


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 Netizen nickname: Yanzhi Online
Yanzhi Online V Iron powder  Google Chrome 86.0.4240.198  Windows 10 x64 chair
2022-09-26 From Guangdong reply
Support the genuine and the author's hard work!
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
2022-09-27 From Liaoning reply
@Yanzhi Online Thank you for your support!
 Netizen nickname: Listen to the rain by the railing
Listen to the rain by railing V Iron powder  Google Chrome  Windows 10 x64 sofa
2022-10-05 From Henan reply
Happy version, very happy! Support genuine!!!
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