Zblog responsive minimalist picture light box plug-in viewimglee, less than 1kb of ViewImage.js super efficiency

Li Yang's Blog 2022-04-15 8.45 K Reading 0 Comments

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For picture light box plug-in unit I had no feeling until more and more people contacted me to say its importance, so the theme slowly opened Fancybox image light box plug-in, which has powerful effects and functions, but recently found“ ViewImage.js ”This is a plug-in developed based on jQuery. After Gzip compression, it is less than 1kb. It also supports a responsive minimalist lightbox plug-in. It is intended to integrate all themes into this plug-in. It is really super compact, and has been used several times with good results. On this basis, it has simply optimized several css, and it is easy to do this minimalist plug-in considering everyone's different requirements (at the bottom of the article under the plug-in address)

 Zblog Responsive minimalist picture light box plug-in viewimglee, ViewImage.js with less than 1kb super efficiency Page 1

If you do not need to use plug-ins, it is easy to integrate them into the theme, course As follows:


You can directly access the GitHub of ViewImage to get the latest plug-in, of course, you can also download ViewImage through the following link: view-image.js  or   view-image.min.js


First make sure that your page has correctly referenced jQuery (2.0+is recommended), and then reference ViewImage.js (I don't like to use this CDN to accelerate js locally).

 <script src="//tokinx.github.io/ViewImage/view-image.min.js"></script>


We provide you with a very simple initialization method, so that you can personalize the program and enable it correctly

 <script> jQuery(document).ready(function () {     jQuery.viewImage({ 'target ':'. view image img ',//The image that needs to use ViewImage 'exclude': '. exclude img',//Pictures to exclude 'delay ': 300//Delay time     }); }); </script>

The manual operation is completed, and the“ .view-image img ”Change to your own image class. Of course, if you don't want to modify it manually, download the plug-in. It's free. Search in the application center“ Picture light box ”Then get the plug-in and enable it. Nothing needs to be modified. Just install and enable the plug-in. Is there no more lazy person to operate than this? Finally, check the compatibility of the plug-in,

About plug-in compatibility

D\T Firefox Chrome MSIE Safari
PC >=3.5 Yes >=9 >=3.1
Mobile Null Null Null Null

At present, everything is normal in the test. If you have any questions in the use process, please leave a message. Our purpose is to make things simple. It should be no better than“ ViewImage.js ”More concise, if there are some,,,, just think I didn't say!!!

Plug in address:

Image light box (minimalist plug-in) application center download

Article copyright notice: unless otherwise noted Lao Li's Notes For original articles, reprints or copies, please use hyperlinks and indicate the source.


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