Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience!

Hello, I met you again. I mean my new theme, Li Yang Blog devoted himself to creating the first resource download theme template. It took six months to prepare and three months to do it. Finally, it was launched at the end of December 2020. At present, the time is tight and the task is heavy. Many

Li Yang's Blog 2020-12-28 4.02 W Reading 26 Comments

Last article updated: March 26, 2024

Hello, I met you again. I mean my new theme, Li Yang Blog devoted himself to creating the first resource download theme template. It took half a year to prepare and three months to do it. Finally, it was launched at the end of December 2020. At present, the time is tight and the task is heavy. Many better experience And the user experience is still perfect. After continuous testing and optimization, this time, we will continue to pursue perfection. This is a very excellent theme. The brand new code specification, excellent SEO system, perfect layout and refreshing style will not disappoint you. The author is willing to spend more time to polish the product, optimize the experience, and achieve perfection. After three months of precipitation, it is to better bloom and fulfill the desire of love and pursuit. Maybe the current theme is not particularly perfect, or maybe not able to achieve 100 points, but the author will learn more experience to make the theme more perfect. I will revise it after your feedback.

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 1

After purchasing and downloading the theme, log in to the website background, manage the theme, upload the downloaded theme, and then click Enable. You will generally be prompted with "no login client" or "illegal authorization file" and other interfaces. At this time, refer to this course Solution to "illegal authorization file" displayed by zblog opening theme or plug-in (ZBP1.6 is supported) After the theme is enabled, start setting related content. If you want to know how to open the secondary menu in the navigation bar, how to set the navigation bar icon, or how to enable pseudo static, you can refer to this tutorial: Q&A on Z-blogPHP (updated) , basically what you want to know, I have introduced it here. Well, the prelude is over, and there are many theme functions. Let's not talk nonsense and get to the point!

Application Center Purchase     More works

Responsive Unlimited domain name Permanent use Free upgrade Free experience After sales guarantee Original works Value for money SEO title, keywords and description

Theme features:

Support sorting of classification templates;

perfect SEO optimization System and excellent code specification;

The global night mode is supported. It seems that traffic is high, so it must be arranged;

Article template comes with share , no need to share the platform code with a third party;

Global visual scroll loading special effect (with switch);

The theme template has a number of module advertising spaces, which can also make you a small profit when you are not standing;

Excellent user experience, more concise and efficient core code;

Update log:

V 1.8.0(24/03/26)

--Optimize the code of customized member template page compatible with user center profile and other interfaces.

--Fixed an error with no functions in the sidebar label template.

--Fix the error and dislocation of the classification template under certain circumstances.

--Add [Advertising] to the advertising interface to indicate the words, and optimize the problem of missing or incomplete display of customized advertising pictures.

V 1.7.9(24/02/23)

--Optimize the overall css style code and update the Alibaba icon library code.

--Optimize the problem that the login button has no login action under the status of tourists.

--Fixed an error with no functions in the sidebar label template.

--Adapt the article commodity template integral unit function, and call the user center [LayCenter] name.

--Fix the bug that may be attacked by xss because the function of the category list page is not escaped.

--The format of the compatible part of the collected articles causes errors in the articles.

V 1.7.8(24/01/09)

--Cancel the information functions such as attachments only after the tourists have logged in.  

--Fix the problem that the theme template compilation does not exist after the theme template is first opened.

--Optimize the system verification code characters and change it to a numeric format only.

--Optimize the CSS style code of unordered list and ordered list of article pages.

--Optimize the theme SEO switch function, and close the corresponding interface when closing the article editing page.

--The summary of the article list of optimizing user experience can click to read the full text and add title to display the title.

V 1.7.7(23/12/11)

--Optimize the function of visitors to view attachments. If you cancel, you must log in to view relevant attachments and other information.

--Optimize background verification code, with the same author theme plug-in unit Don't show me the unauthorized prompt again.

--Optimize the interface style code for background article editing, and eliminate duplicate ID values.

--Optimize the style code related to the comment box on the PC side and mobile side of the article page.

--Optimize the background login interface css style code.

V 1.7.6(23/11/13)

--Transform the public tail template of the theme, remove redundant characters, and optimize the inherent PHP code.

--Optimize the article commodity template, and the price and other information cannot be viewed in the tourist status.

--Optimize some details and style codes of commodity templates.

--Optimize the background login interface css style code.

--Compatible with night mode codes.

V 1.7.5(23/10/13)

--Optimize article list thumbnail function code and delete redundant function code.

--Add a custom thumbnail interface, which can mask the theme default picture, theme settings - function switches - thumbnail customization.

--The poster function switch is added in the article setting, and the poster function can be turned off in the article setting if it is not needed.

--Set the minimum Z Log version to 1.7+and the minimum PHP 5.6, and optimize the old function code.

V 1.7.4(23/09/08)

--Optimize the public tail template of the theme, remove redundant characters, and optimize the inherent PHP code.

--Optimize the display effect of article commodity template page style and adaptive interface.

--Fixed the problem that the page moved right after the article picture light box was turned on.

--Optimize article list and other template page thumbnail function code.

--Optimize the default data of some interfaces of the background template.

V 1.7.3(23/08/18)

--Optimize the details of the module style code at the top of the classification template.

--The upgrade of optimized zbp version causes incompatibility.

--Optimize article thumbnail interface and PHP function code.

--Add the article link address on the article page to optimize the corresponding style code.

V 1.7.2(23/07/24)

--Optimize the problem that the default interface path of the background is incorrect for some pictures in the secondary directory.

--Optimize the theme to set the problem that the pictures of the carousel are not displayed in the secondary directory.

--Optimize background thumbnail interface calling code, use official writing method, judge display and other codes.

--Optimize the thumbnail clipping function and use the official interface code.

--Optimize thumbnail code and block the emoticons of articles.

--Optimize night mode code.

--Fix the bug that the login interface verification code interface of the theme is misplaced.

V 1.7.1(23/06/28

--Optimize search template highlighting keyword style code.

--Optimize sidebar module style details.

--Fixed an issue where the title of an article in night mode did not change color.

--Optimization editor insert emoticon display overlapping problem.

--The sidebar randomly displays the new and replacement buttons of the article, which fixes the problem that the automatic refresh cannot be performed due to different triggering methods.

--Optimize the problem that the default interface path of the background is incorrect for some pictures in the secondary directory.

--Optimize the theme to set the problem that the pictures of the carousel are not displayed in the secondary directory.

--Optimize part of the article template page and style detail code.

--The theme core php code function interface is standardized, compatible with the php8 version, and some interface codes are optimized.

--Overall page detail style code optimization.

V 1.7.0(23/05/10)

--New sidebar returns to the top module switch, which can be turned off if a third-party plug-in is installed.

--Optimize the user experience, add a delete button on the article page, and you can delete articles directly in the foreground. Only administrators can operate, and other users do not have this permission.

--Optimize the top login interface functions and delete redundant codes.

--Optimize the article page title and cancel the title hyperlink code.

--Optimize the comment default nickname interface.

--After the theme is enabled, the module content in the sidebar will be compiled automatically without manually clearing the cache.

--Fix the jitter problem of some modules in some cases.

--Delete the code where the function of the topic part coincides with the program.

V 1.6.9(23/04/19)

--Delete the search list template and optimize the php code of the search title.

--Add the top login interface, independent registration/login and/or background management link, and set it on the home page - top login function - setting after updating.

--The top registration/login interface is classified, and the background sets the registration and login links by itself.

--Restore the pseudo static search function to prevent the 404 problem on the search page after inclusion.

--The summary of optimized search template highlights the problem of garbled code caused by pseudo static (thanks to the guidance of Kefeng).

--Optimize the background sidebar core interface, change the trigger mode, and do not call the interface information in real time.

--Optimize the php logic code, and reduce the problems of stuck and CPU burst caused by large article or label base.

--Optimize the code of the carousel module, and reset the carousel after updating. The original carousel code directory is "/zb_users/theme/downlee/include/slide. php".

--The rewriting theme comes with a sidebar module. To update the theme, you need to disable or uninstall the theme, and then upload and enable it again. The configuration file will not be lost.

Note: After the update, the sidebar module needs to edit or delete articles (comments) to generate new content.

--Optimize the loading speed when the theme is enabled.

V 1.6.8(23/03/24)

--Fixed some problems such as delay and stuck when the number of articles was more than 100000.

--Optimize some function codes to adapt to PHP 7.0+version codes.

--Optimize the search page function, rewrite the summary code, and add search keywords and highlighting functions.

--Optimize the size of the home page broadcast picture, and display it in a fixed proportion. It is no longer restricted to a fixed picture size.

--The explanation of setting instructions in the background part of the optimization theme, with emphasis on bold or highlighted, determines the function switch according to the actual situation.

--Increase the number of randomly displayed thumbnails. Setting method:

Theme settings - function settings - thumbnail random pictures
By default, there are 9 random pictures. (After updating the theme, the interface is empty, and you can set 9 or more numbers.) By default, there are 9 random pictures. If you want to set more pictures, you can directly add the number of pictures, for example, 20. If the number set is greater than 9, you need to upload the corresponding pictures in the/zb_users/theme/downlee/style/noimg/directory. The naming format is. jpg, such as 10.jpg. The format cannot be changed.

--The delete theme comes with the "search pseudo static" function, and the required self download plug-ins.

--Delete the theme thumbnail clipping function (the CPU soars due to the large article base, so it is deleted).

V 1.6.7(23/03/01)

--Fixed an error in calling related recommended articles at the bottom of the article template.

--The order of optimizing page<style>code and preferentially calling custom css interfaces.

--Optimize PHP code related to background theme settings and delete useless function information.

--The optimized navigation bar is consistent with the width of the page layout.

--Optimize the mobile end title and list spacing.

--Optimize the scroll bar style code on the right side of the page.

--Clean up the redundant PHP code of the theme template;

V 1.6.6(23/02/08)

--The new article copyright customization information function, classified articles - article copyright customization, can customize the copyright information after opening.

--There is no resource download module for the body of the article product template.

--Optimize the name of the frame class in the sidebar of the article template, and optimize the corresponding css style code.

--Delete background redundant php code.

V 1.6.5(23/01/05)

--Fix the label template breadcrumb navigation error.

--Add Hongmeng font for theme style. Copy the code "body, a {font family: HarmonyOS_Sans;}" and put it in the theme settings - custom css interface. Open it to use Hongmeng font globally.

--Fixed the problem of dislocation of some pages on different mobile terminals.

--Optimize the og rich media tag code and improve the summary keyword call scheme.

--Optimize the template homepage broadcast code, reduce useless js loading, and speed up the web page.

--Optimization thumbnails display optimization schemes.

V 1.6.4(22/12/11)

--Fix the problem that the comment box spacing is too large due to incompatible plug-ins in some cases.

--Add a friendly prompt on the website closing status page, and call the login image interface for background image settings.

--Optimize user experience and improve page loading speed.

--The sorting function of the optimized classification template prompts function errors in some cases.

--Optimize the homepage filtering of specified classified articles and rebuild the paging code.

--Optimize relevant code according to Google PageSpeed page.

V 1.6.3(22/11/16)

--Optimize the number of words in the article summary.

--Fix the problem that collecting or copying and pasting article content cannot obtain content summary information.

--Fix the problem of setting instructions on the right side of theme settings and incorrect web address of css stylesheet.

--Fix an issue where the site author template cannot be opened under certain circumstances.

--Fixed an invalid custom purchase link in the sidebar of the article product template.

--According to the feedback from netizens, add the encryption function outside the article page.

--The newly added resource download name is a user-defined interface. You can set the website name of the download link.

V 1.6.2(22/10/28)

--Fix the bug that the latest article on the right side of the list template list has no style.

--Optimize page reconstruction code and adaptive display code.

--Optimize the theme core js code and modify the original domain name link.

--Optimize some user centric code compatibility problems.

--Fix the problem that the right side of the theme setting has incorrect address.

--The new switch of the latest article module on the home page can be turned off if there is no need to display the latest or fear of repeated articles.

The following updates are from netizens' feedback and suggestions. I think they are good. Thank you for your feedback. The functions are on/off. If you don't like them, you can turn them off.

--Add navigation bar at the top of the global page to set simple greetings and other navigation links.

--Add a new member single page template, single page management - create or edit - select vip for the template on the right, and the relevant settings are in the theme configuration - member single page (the content of the old customer configuration is empty, and you need to improve the relevant information by yourself. Reference information:

V 1.6.1(22/10/09)

--Fixed article page compatibility with user centric code.

--The purchase of commodity article template adds the function of user-defined link, and the purchase link of article settings commodity page.

--Optimize the list summary call interface. You can select to call the body directly, and the article settings - summary call the body.

--Fixed several minor problems reported by netizens.

V 1.6(22/09/23)

--Optimize the failure of authorization verification due to domain name problems.

--Optimize page reconstruction code and adaptive display code.

--Optimize some user centric code compatibility problems.

V 1.5.9(22/09/13)

--Streamline code and re adapt functions such as Kefeng user center purchase.

--Fix the bug where the download function of the theme has opened an error on a page.

--Optimize the purchase query attachment js code.

--Optimize the top search click function special effect to automatically locate the input tag.

--Fix the problem that some functions of 404 page did not update details.

--Other code optimization and code adaptation for night functions.

V 1.5.8(22/09/01)

--Optimize the traditional Chinese conversion js code.

--Fixed bug in 404 template page without some functions.

--Streamline some PHP codes and replace the authorization verification code.

V 1.5.7(22/08/08)

--New page traditional Chinese conversion function.

-- newly added Quick reply function in article comment area, reply text can be set in the background.

--Fixed bug in mobile sidebar download.

--Update the Alibaba icon library code, and use the local call method.

--Optimize the background color of page login.

--Optimize the logic relation code for the priority display of the avatar in the comment area.

--Optimize the problem that the emoticon image is too small when replying at the bottom of the comment area.

V 1.5.6(22/07/15)

--Optimize the running status and performance of the theme.

--Optimize the display effect of the moving end of the reader wall.

--Some details of the theme template are trimmed.

--New background login interface optimization, function settings, and login interface opening.

V 1.5.5(22/06/17)

--Optimize the background article editing of articles, and add cookies to expand the direct reading of cookies in the later stage.

--Some details of the theme template are trimmed.

--Fix the thumbnail interface policy and optimize the bug where the article has no image but the customized thumbnail settings still do not show the image.

--Optimize the code and style of the search box on the top of the mobile end.

--Fix the bug of incomplete display caused by too many H tags in the directory index.

--Optimize the comment IP display dependency function.

PS: To realize IP display, you need to install and enable it“ IP home ”Plug in.

V 1.5.4(22/05/31)

--New article index function, theme setting - article setting - article index, open.

--Optimize the og standardization label of the theme page template.

--On the background editing page of the article, fold buttons are added to the SEO interface, instead of directly displaying each interface.

--Add a side bar countdown function. After the update, click Enable Theme (necessary steps), manage the module, and drag the "Year Like Current" module to the corresponding side bar.

--Delete the function of displaying the real IP address in the theme settings, and use plug-ins to implement it later.

--Optimize and adapt resource download module code, adaptive display effect and night mode code.

--The article display time can be customized. Three forms can be set: theme setting, article setting. The default is friendly display time.

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 2

V 1.5.3(22/05/12)

--The background image setting interface of the search module on the top of the home page. The default image location is: (/zb_users/theme/downlee/style/images/banner_top. jpg).

--Fix the problem that the comment box will disappear in some cases in the comment module.

--Optimize comment reply function and style effect.

--Switch is added for sorting at the top of classification template.

--Fixed several small bugs fed back by netizens.

--Add the code that cannot obtain the real IP address after the CDN is enabled. The CDN enabled site can be enabled.

--Comments add the IP display dependency function.

PS: The IP display location needs to be installed and enabled“ Physical IP address ”Plug in

V 1.5.2(22/04/28)

--Rewrite the code of message comment page turning.

--Fixed the article page related recommendation logic judgment code.

--Fix the bug that the address of the author information module in the homepage sidebar is incorrect when it is not logged in.

--Fix the problem that the tag page cannot be sorted. Sorting is only displayed on the category page.

--Optimize the theme template css style sheet code according to the W3C specification, and meet the W3C requirements after optimization:

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 3

V 1.5.1(22/04/09)

--Optimize Instant Page interface, interested students can refer to the article introduction published on this website.

--Optimize the rich media label of og, and modify the article publishing time and the last editing time.

--Fix the problem that comment nicknames cannot be saved. After updating, comment nicknames and mailboxes will be saved automatically.

--Optimize comment js function code.

--A new side bar switch is added on the mobile end. When it is turned on, the side bar module can be displayed on the mobile end.

--Adaptive display effect of mobile terminal.

--Optimize the background theme setting style, and the Save button hovers. It is no longer necessary to flip to the bottom to save.

--Optimize the automatic compilation of comments on the sidebar after they are successfully deleted and approved.

--Fix the bug fed back by netizens.

V 1.5(22/03/28)

--Optimize and video Tang Dynasty user center (YTUser) plug-in, support points and Alipay purchase function.

PS: The user center - download exclusive - download station function needs to be enabled to download purchase points.

--Optimize the stretched BUG of the product category template thumbnail.

--Optimize the theme sales price interface, and automatically hide it after opening the user center. The same method function interface results in an error.

--Optimize the mobile terminal adaptive display effect and improve the night mode code.

--Adapt to the VIP purchase strategy of YTUser Center to realize free VIP download.

--Delete the point purchase link at the bottom of the article page.

--The overall page details are optimized to improve the interface of the user center.

V 1.4.8(22/03/08)

--Add the special effect of logo light scanning, background theme setting, and turn it on or off.

--Add a special page template, page management, and create a new one. Set a "special" template on the right, and set the tag ID and top background image.

About the thumbnail address of the topic page: you need to create a new folder under "/zb_users/upload/", name "special", and upload the jpg image of the tag ID. For example, in the image, you need to upload the image of "1. jpg" to the path "/zb_users/upload/special", set several tags and upload several images.

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 4

--Optimize the adaptive display effect.

--Optimize the background theme setting style, and the Save button hovers. It is no longer necessary to flip to the bottom to save.

--Optimize night mode code.

V 1.4.7(22/02/02)

--Fixed the misplaced bug caused by the excessive number of words in the label of classified list articles.

--The function that is not checked in the optimization background causes the problem that cannot be saved.

--The optimization search list results partial list has no summary problem.

--Fix the bug in the theme configuration that is invalid for setting the carousel custom switch.

--Modify that some hosts have no non call authorization BUGs.


--The homepage website introduces the module adding switch.

--Fix the offset problem of ico icon introduced by the homepage website.

--Fixed a problem with sidebar random call code calling draft articles.

--Optimize the problem that the function ID of the background article editing interface is the same as that of the editor.

--Other details optimization and partial bug repair.

--Fix the article template poster call summary information interface.

V1.4.4 - 11/26

--Optimize the problem of error in the bottom QR code interface.

--Optimize compatibility of night mode code.

--Optimize and judge mobile terminal and PC segment codes.

--Classified topic template configuration file code, which is called separately and adapted separately, is not integrated in the core code, reducing unnecessary database requests.

--Optimize the problem of label displacement caused by the title section crossing in the front page text module.

--The switch function is added to the VIP introduction module on the home page.


--Fix the problem that the function code of the template label cannot be called on some hosts.

--Optimize the style code of the module at the bottom of the theme template.

--Add the switch of the VIP function module on the home page.

--Optimize theme template adaptive code display effect.

--Optimize the latest message module code on the sidebar, separate the core program, and call only when using the module. The number of calls is set in "Module Management - Latest Message - Type, Select UL, Maximum Lines", and the default is 6. Don't look at the picture:

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 5

--Optimize the random display of article source code to reduce the problem of article call delay caused by large article base.

--Fixed the problem that some modules on the home page did not have scrolling effects.


--Fix the problem that the thumbnail part of the article list cannot be displayed completely.

--Fixed compatibility and display effect of night mode code.

--Fix the unfriendly display of some modules in mobile adaptation.

--Fix the bug that the logo does not change in the night mode.

--Optimize the details of the overall page and some style codes.


--Optimize the compatibility of the theme with PHP 7.4 and above.

--Fix the background authorization verification code to reduce the code that cannot call the authorization interface caused by non mainland hosts.

--Optimize the slideshow carousel code, and the background settings increase the preview effect of the picture, which is more intuitive and has a better user experience.

--Optimize the compatibility of the night mode code of the web page. Thanks for your feedback.

--The optimized slide code is repeatedly generated in the AQLite database, resulting in a bug that fails to be enabled.

--Optimize the SEO title settings on the article details page, and choose whether to display the classified names.

--Optimize the OG rich media tag code of the webpage. Theoretically, it can increase the probability of searching for graphs.


--Fix the bug in the login registration interface at the top of the page.

--Fix the bug with error in the price interface of the home commodity module.

--Error in editing the article path on the optimized article product page.

--Update the picture light box effect on the article page.

--Optimize the article comment switch. If you turn off the comment, the number of comments tag will not appear in the article list.

--Other details are optimized.


--Add a random call article in the right sidebar, click the Enable Theme (activate new module) after updating, manage the module, look around, and drag it to the right sidebar. To view the effect of foreground refresh, you need to clear the cache or CDN cache.

--Optimize the non-uniform spacing of some menu bars on the mobile end, and modify the css style code.

--Adjust the content of the reward pop-up box on the article page to give priority to WeChat rewards.

--There is no Gauss blur problem in optimizing and opening some content of mobile web pages.

--Some details of optimization are not written one by one.

--Optimize the back-end API authorization interface code to reduce the problem of errors in some customers' foreign hosts.


--Add switch for customer service on the right side of the page.

--The article page template timeout prompt increases the switch and timeout self setting time.

--Optimize friendly time display code.

--Optimize web page details and css style code.


--Optimize tag aggregation templates.

--Perfect night mode code.

--Optimize the problem that the position of some templates at the bottom of the sidebar is inconsistent.


--Save the new shortcut key (CTRL+S).

--Optimize the thumbnail code. Version 1.7 can enable the system's own thumbnail clipping function, theme configuration - function settings.

--New thumbnail asynchronous loading function, background Theme configuration - function settings.

--The ID value is added to the classification template tag to facilitate hiding or modifying certain styles.


--Fix the problem that article thumbnails cannot be uploaded without a UE editor.

--Fixed the problem that a single page of an article could not share Weibo.

--Fixed the problem that the width of the closing sidebar of the article commodity template was not uniform.


--Add the Hide sidebar button, add cookies, and close the sidebar. As long as the cache is not cleared, the sidebar will be saved all the time.

--New display function for article re editing (1.7 version only).

--Fixed an error in some picture directories when generating picture posters.

--Optimize the label calling code of the classification template. Background theme setting - classification setting. If the label calling is empty, it will not be displayed.

--Optimize and adapt the 1.7 version function.


--Optimize some js codes and encrypt authorization verification codes.

--Add the same kind of up and down functions of the article page, topic configuration - classification and other - article page related reading. Open the upper and lower bunks of the same type.

--Optimize the overall night mode layout, and optimize the adaptive interface code.


--Optimize the microblog sharing display source key interface, and add sharing switches (path, theme settings - category others - article one click sharing).

--Fix the bug in the next article title call on the article page.

--Optimize night mode style code.


--Optimize the download interface code. (In order to be compatible with other download functions, set #+ID name to directly reach the location. If it is empty, it will not be enabled, as shown in the figure)

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 6

--Optimize the VIP content in the sidebar of the commodity template. Tourists must log in to view it.

--Optimize the page resource download interface.

--Optimize the style and special effect of resource download link copy extraction code.

--Optimize the effect of H tags and custom tags on article pages.

--Fix the problem with the picture light box.

--New navigation drop-down hidden, and search button function is added to the navigation bar.

--Fix several problems and optimize the background PHP logic code.


--Fixed the problem that visitors can view the article editing tag in some cases.

--Optimize the latest article sidebar style code.

--Adaptive code optimization


--Optimize article list titles.

--The optimization part has several problems.

--Fixed the display effect of mobile end article list.

--New article download module ID: gsxz , can be adapted to other plug-ins, click to quickly reach the high-speed download area.


--Fix the problem that the QR code text at the bottom of the page cannot be modified.

--Adapting the UE editor causes an error in the light box.

--Fixed overlap between the latest and recommended article lists.

--A new article reprint interface is added to customize the article reprint information.

--Other details are modified.

Theme introduction:

Theme integration download interface, which can be customized Resource name, pressurized password, file size And other information, background interface preview:

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 7

Foreground display preview:

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 8

Theme template compatible LayCenter , rewrite the foreground commodity style, if you have purchased Other User Center You can contact the author Adaptation and compatibility Some interfaces (not guaranteed to be compatible with all, if the third-party user center authorization mechanism is more likely to need to provide web background account information) will be adapted to the "User Center (Versatile)" free plug-in later.

The effect under the front desk is shown in the figure below:

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 9

Meta_ Interface field code

The interface code related to the topic template can be added to the User Center - Global Settings - Article Publishing - Custom Text Box:

 Meta_Articlekey | Article keywords meta_Articledesc | Article description meta_resname | Resource name meta_dpcode | Decompress password meta_filesize | File size meta_bdresurl| Baidu Netdisk meta_lzresurl | Lanzou netdisk meta_qtresurl | Other netdisk meta_bdycode | Baidu password meta_lzycode | Lanzou password meta_qtcode | Other password meta_showhow | Demo address

Switch interface field code:

 Meta_recommended | Recommended article meta_usable | Available for personal testing

Thumbnail field code: tesetu

The above codes can be copied and pasted directly. Only resource theme templates can be used. For other templates, please check and add corresponding interface fields by yourself.

Background corresponding preview:

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 10

Classification Template Settings

theme No sidebar on home page , but The classification template can select whether to open the sidebar , depending on the actual situation, with Three classification templates , as shown in the figure:

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 11

catainfo Template is information Class, article page template“ single ”, this template Built in sidebar (call Sidebar 2 , Sidebar The switch is invalid for this , the foreground effect is as shown in the figure:

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catalog The template is the default template, and the article page template“ single ”, default No sidebar module , you can visit Theme configuration, function switch , open the sidebar module (Call Sidebar 2 , foreground effect:

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 13

catasell yes Product Classification Template , article page product template“ sale ”, No side bar module, invalid switch , foreground effect:

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 14

In addition, it can be set in classification management Background map of classification, SEO title and keyword information If the title and keyword are not filled in, the website SEO information will be called by default.

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 15

Article template page call“ Sidebar 3 ”, search page call Side bar 4.

Home page setting and module setting

Then let's take a look at the home page and background settings, Since many people always say that they will not set it, we adopt Picture module tutorial See pictures for detailed methods (background functions may change, update as appropriate);

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 16

Preview of basic settings:

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 17

The website SEO title, keyword and description need to be set, because the classification template does not set SEO title and other information by default, and will directly call the website.

Other settings should be clear. Set the logo. We Media Information, and bottom copyright information.

Preview of home page settings

As shown in the figure, the corresponding effect has basically been seen in the previous picture Custom css Interface means that you can set or change the display effect of some modules. After modification, even if the theme is updated, the previous modification will not have any impact. Great interface.

And red font Shielding classification ID function This is the latest release. For example, if "1" is set, the article with category ID "1" is blocked in the "Latest Resources" section on the home page. This is easy to understand.

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 18

Classification and other settings

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 19

Background of classification template Set. This interface is Default That is to say, there is a background image setting in the classification template. If the background image interface under the classification is not set, then the image of this interface will be called by default. The effect is as follows: Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 20

Categories and article pages Template Number of labels , set the number of side bar module tag calls, such as setting, 12. The foreground effect is as shown in the figure:

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 21

Then set the mobile terminal navigation sidebar settings, and the avatar and background correspond to Figure 1 and Figure 2 respectively.

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 22

Set the time of popular and popular articles. This interface is set for the category and article page sidebar module. The topic has its own hot review and popular article module. The set hot time and number of calls are the settings of the second interface.

The remaining interface settings are obvious, so I will not repeat them here.

Set theme template advertisement

There is nothing special about this. You can just set the corresponding correlation. It supports league advertisements and HTML advertisements. It is worth noting that the head and bottom interfaces cannot be used to place advertisement codes. The head interface is placed between the page heads. You can set meta tags or the common js code of league advertisements.

Finally, function switch

 Downlee, a theme template of ZBP resource download, goes online, improves the SEO optimization system, and builds a compelling user experience! Page 23

The carousel is optional. If it is closed, the articles on the right side of the carousel will not be displayed;

New window for articles. As the name implies, articles are opened in a new window.

Scrolling special effect: the module is displayed in a scrolling manner.

Sidebar module switch.

Set the SEO function, and use the interface of classification management and article management after opening.

The last article has no category name, which means that the title of the article page displays "article title - category name - website name" by default. If the article has no category function, it will display "article title - website name" instead of the category of the article. In fact, it is unclear why someone will display this way. In order to meet the special requirements of some people, So add this interface.


This template takes the longest time, has the best effect, and has the best SEO. Later, more practical functions will be added, such as WeChat password, article page introduction, comment response visibility, and other new functions, or you can contact the author if you have better suggestions. After evaluation, it is very practical and can be directly integrated into the theme to reduce unnecessary plug-ins. Okay, This is the introduction of the theme article. If it is not involved, you can directly contact the author QQ for feedback. Thank you again for choosing the template we made. I wish you all the best stationmaster : The Year of the Ox is full of vitality, peace and joy!

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Comment List (Yes twenty-six Comments, forty thousand one hundred and ninety-three People around)
 Netizen nickname: 1
one V Iron powder  Firefox 115.0  Windows 7 x64 13th floor
2023-11-09 From Hunan reply
Can you do a code compilation function under this template? The prefix can be customized if the class attribute under each different domain name is different
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
2023-11-10 From Liaoning reply
@1 Good idea, thanks for your feedback!!!
 Netizen nickname: Visitor 5 Recovery Plan
Visitor 5 Recovery Planning V Iron powder  Google Chrome  Windows 10 x64 12th floor
2022-06-13 From Guangdong reply
Is it ok for tourists to pay, or should we cooperate with other plug-ins
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
2022-06-13 From Liaoning reply
@Visitor 5 Recovery Planning Normally, there is no need to pay. If you need to buy, you can install user center plug-ins in the background.
 Netizen nickname: Liuxia Blog
Liuxia Blog V Iron powder  Google Chrome 78.0.3904.108  Android 11 11th floor
2022-05-21 From Guangdong reply
Boss Li Yang
1. The theme collection function adapts to the popular user center. The problem is that the front desk does not display the collection button
2. The theme sidebar is expanded, and the user center recommends adding an article quick release button (mobile phone side) [Addoil]
Small suggestions No problem, hope to add
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
2022-05-23 From Liaoning reply
@Liuxia Blog QQ contact me.
 Netizen nickname: 2980008080
2022-04-10 From Shanghai reply
It is suggested to add an optional article list on the home page, instead of using the [Sinistersmile]
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 7 x64
2022-04-10 From Shanghai reply
@2980008080 received!
 Netizen nickname: Jun Chases with the Wind
You follow the wind V Iron powder  Google Chrome 95.0.4638.69  Windows 10 x64 9th floor
2022-03-17 From Shanghai reply
I've bought it for a long time. I bought it at 288. Well, I just plan to use it now
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 7 x64
2022-03-19 From Shanghai reply
@You follow the wind Thank you for your support!
 Netizen nickname: Adrock
Adrock V Iron powder  Google Chrome 90.0.4430.72  Windows 10 x64 8th floor
2021-04-20 From Guangdong reply
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
2021-04-20 From Shanghai reply
@Adrock [Social]
 Netizen nickname: Flow to blog
Flow to blog V Super VIP  QQBrowser 10.8.4350.400  Windows 10 x64 7th floor
2021-02-04 From Tianjin reply
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
2021-04-20 From Shanghai reply
@Flow to blog [NoProb][NoProb]
 Netizen nickname: Yanzhi Online
Yanzhi Online V Iron powder  Google Chrome 86.0.4240.198  Windows 10 x64 6th floor
2021-01-20 From Shanghai reply
Must support!
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
2021-01-20 From Shanghai reply
 Netizen nickname: Lingbo Mould
Lingbo Mould V Iron powder  QQBrowser 10.7.4313.400  Windows 7 x64 floor
2021-01-02 From Shanghai reply
Not super VIPs are embarrassed to leave messages, Happy New Year! [Fabulous]
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
2021-01-04 From Shanghai reply
@Lingbo Mould No, there were few super masters.
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