Ubuntu is a system image commonly used by Lao Zuo. Of course, some commands need to be used for operation and maintenance. Here are 20 commonly used Ubuntu commands.
1. Ls: Lists the files and folders in the current directory.
Example: ls
2. Cd: Switch to the specified directory.
Example: cd/home/user/Documents
3. Pwd: Displays the path of the current working directory.
Example: pwd
4. Mkdir: create a new directory.
Example: mkdir new_directory
5. Rm: Deletes a file or directory.
Example: rm file.txt or rm - r directory
6. Cp: Copy files or directories.
Example: cp file.txt new_file.txt or cp - r directory new_directory
7. Mv: move a file or directory, which can also be used to rename a file or directory.
Example: mv file.txt new_location/file.txt or mv file.txt new_name.txt
8. Cat: Display the file content.
Example: cat file.txt
9. Grep: Search the file for the specified string.
Example: grep "search_string" file.txt
10. Chmod: permission to modify files or directories.
Example: chmod 755 file.txt
11. Chown: modify the owner of the file or directory.
Example: chown user: group file.txt
12. Chgrp: Modify the group to which a file or directory belongs.
Example: chgrp group file.txt
13. Apt get: used to install, update, and uninstall software packages.
Example: sudo apt get install package_name
14. Dpkg: used to manage Debian packages.
Example: sudo dpkg - i package.deb
15. Wget: download files from the network.
Example: wget http://example.com/file.txt
16. Tar: Package and decompress files.
Example: tar - cvf archive.tar file1 file2 or tar - xvf archive.tar
17. Ssh: Log in to another computer remotely through the SSH protocol.
Example: ssh username@remote_host
18. Top: Display the process running in the system and resource usage.
Example: top
19. Ifconfig: displays and configures network interface information.
Example: ifconfig
20. Ping: Test the connectivity with another computer.
Example: ping