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Differences and selection comparison between MySQL and postgresql databases

MySQL is a popular relational database management system developed by Sun Microsystems and maintained by Oracle. PostgreSQL is also a relational database management system, but it is open source software and is maintained by the PostgreSQL global development team.

The main differences between the two are as follows:

1. Data type support

PostgreSQL supports more data types, including array, enumeration and range types. MySQL is relatively rare.

2. Scalability and Customizability

PostgreSQL provides many extension functions and allows users to define functions, types, operators, etc. Although MySQL also supports UDF (user-defined function), its scalability and customizability are not as good as PostgreSQL.

3. ACID compliance

PostgreSQL emphasizes ACID compliance (that is, ensuring the atomicity, consistency, isolation and persistence of transactions), while MySQL only supports simple transaction processing by default.

4. Performance

In some cases, PostgreSQL may be slower than MySQL, especially on large datasets. However, PostgreSQL usually performs better in high load environments.

5. Community support

PostgreSQL has a huge community, providing extensive technical support and problem solving. MySQL also has a huge community, but it is slightly smaller than PostgreSQL.

In short, MySQL and PostgreSQL are excellent relational database management systems with different characteristics and advantages. If you need simple transaction processing and high performance, you can choose MySQL; If you need more data type support, extensibility, and customizability, you can choose PostgreSQL.

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