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RAKsmart cheap VPS hosts in the United States and Hong Kong have reached a new low of $0.99 per month

Last month, Lao Zuo introduced that the RAKsmart merchant came out again to provide the US VPS host with a monthly payment of as little as $1.99 when he stopped for a while and did not mention the VPS host scheme. In June, Lao Zuo saw the merchants refresh the low price of VPS host again, which only cost 0.99 dollars per month. If we need VPS host, we can check their cheap VPS, including computer rooms in the United States, Hong Kong, Japan, etc.

 RAKsmart cheap VPS hosts in the United States and Hong Kong have reached a new low of $0.99 per month

During the activity in November, purchase of any VPS product in the RAKsmart computer room can only enjoy a 70% discount (except for the hot sale products). The discount code is: VPS-TP-30%dis

First, the popular 512M is as low as 0.99

Here we can see that there are three VPS hosts in Los Angeles and Silicon Valley with monthly payment as low as 0.99. Note the difference between Linux and Windows.

programme system Memory bandwidth Discount code Price choice
SV Silicon Valley Linux 512MB Continental optimized port G SVVPS512-0.99dis $0.99/month choice
LA Los Angeles Linux 512MB Continental optimized port G LAVPS512-0.99dis $0.99/month choice

Second, entry-level popular VPS host

We can see that there are four cheap monthly VPS hosts, all with 1G memory and 40GB hard disk. The G port of the US computer room does not limit the flow.

programme system Memory bandwidth Discount code Price choice
SV Lin/Win 1GB Continental optimized port G SVVPS1024-1.99dis $0.99/month choice
LA Lin/Win 1GB Continental optimized port G LAVPS1024-1.99dis $1.99/month choice
JP Lin/Win 1GB Continental optimization 5M JPHKVPS1024-2.99dis $2.99/month choice
HK Lin/Win 1GB Continental Optimization 3M JPHKVPS1024-2.99dis $2.99/month choice

Fourth, basic VPS host

For this configuration, the memory is upgraded to 2GB based on the above basic scheme. For some friend projects, especially Windows, if 1GB is not enough, you can choose 2GB memory here.

programme system Memory bandwidth Hard disk Price choice
SV Lin/Win 2GB Continental optimized port G SVVPS2048-3.99dis $3.99/month choice
LA Lin/Win 2GB Continental optimized port G LAVPS2048-3.99dis $3.99/month choice
JP Lin/Win 2GB Continental optimization 5M JPHKVPS2048-5.99dis $5.99/month choice
HK Lin/Win 1.5GB Continental Optimization 3M JPHKVPS2048-5.99dis $5.99/month choice

We can see that RAKSmart merchants provide cheap VPS hosts. If you need cheap VPS hosts, you can check them. They support WIN machine rooms.

Vote for you
Domain name host preferential information push QQ group: six hundred and twenty-seven million seven hundred and seventy-five thousand four hundred and seventy-seven Get preferential promotion from merchants.
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Do not reprint without permission: Lao Zuo's Notes » RAKsmart cheap VPS hosts in the United States and Hong Kong have reached a new low of $0.99 per month