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In 618, we media theme of WordPress JustNews blog was promoted at half price

Chiang in front“ WordPress JustNews Theme - Multifunctional Personal Blog and We Media Theme "The article has sorted out the JustNews theme that is more suitable for personal websites and we media websites. Last year, I remember that it was 499 yuan and only one domain name was bound. This year, the price also rose to 599 yuan, which is also predictable for some business themes. After all, we can see that these themes are also constantly upgrading.

During the middle of the year 618 and the Double 11, merchants will also launch promotional activities. This 618 event is the same as last year's Double 11 event. On the basis of the original binding of only one domain name, two domain names can be bound. This is a half price discount.

At present, it is possible to bind two domain names. After purchase, we can bind one domain name, and we can ask the customer to bind another domain name. It is generally bound after the activity. If we don't need it, we can share the cost with others. Personally, I think the authorization of a domain name of 300 yuan is good, there is no need to use the so-called cracked version, and this theme is also constantly upgrading.

WPCOM JustNews Theme Website

This theme is more suitable for personal websites and we media blogs. I have seen many websites in use. Last year, a colleague also bought one. This year, Chiang also considered whether to buy one.

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