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eye Author: Tao Yong

About good and evil, ideal, fame and wealth, loneliness, life and death, self... Eyesight is the first literary essay of Dr. Tao Yong, a doctor's meditation and growth experience

Silent spring Author: Rachel Carson

Silent Spring is a popular science book created by American popular science writer Rachel Carson. It was first published in 1962.
In this book, Carson is vivid and serious

Ma Boyong Laughs over the Brief History of China Author: Ma Boyong

This is the most concise and vivid general history of China. Ma Boyong, a "writing genius", started from the Warring States Period, Qin and Han Dynasties to the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, and sketched out Chinese history with a few strokes

Secret Love · Ju Sheng Huainan Author: August Chang'an

All the waiting is worth it. In August, Chang'an's collection of "Zhenhua Trilogy" ended, with 400000 words of new revision, 50000 words of new content, and two volumes of the package.


Animal life history Author: [UK] Thomson

Animal Life History reveals life by observing the daily life of animals and studying how they solve the four permanent problems of food, color, territory and race

The first promotion series · life series: decoding Author: [US] J Craig Venter

Of all the outstanding scientific achievements in the 20th century, I'm afraid none can be compared with the cracking of human genetic code.

Decoding Life tells about the human legacy

The era of mass extinction: an abnormal natural history Author: [US] Elizabeth Colbert

There are thirteen stories. The American mastodon, great auk and ammonite involved in the previous stories have been extinct. This part mainly introduces the ancient mass extinction and its

The Greatest Performance on Earth: Evidence of Evolution Author: [UK] Richard Dawkins

This is another classic work by Dawkins, a famous British biologist.

No matter where we look, it's no surprise that we can almost see green. Not surprisingly, I

The Great Chinese Industrial Revolution Author: Wen Yi

The rise of China is undoubtedly a spectacular global historical event in human history since the British Industrial Revolution. And contemporary western mainstream economics theory, especially about

Biography of Ren Zhengfei Author: Sun Like

Ren Zhengfei, a name that cannot be bypassed in China's business history, is known as the godfather entrepreneur, who redefines the Chinese entrepreneurship. His entrepreneurial story inspires