
"Hunt" is a Danish film about Lucas, a single man working in kindergarten, who unintentionally carries the charge of molesting girls, and has been treated mercilessly around the town since then. Although the facts were finally clarified, the malice did not end with Lucas's innocence.

The film opens with a light music. As a series of events happen, until the end of the film, the atmosphere that is almost suffocating still makes me unable to calm down. Although he looks like Hannibal, the film shows us Lucas' good side at the beginning. When my friend got cramped in winter swimming, all around just looked and laughed. Only Lucas jumped down to save him at the first time. Everyone knows the good man Lucas, but when it happens that he molests a girl, his best friend is unwilling to believe him, no one stands beside him, no one is willing to find out the truth, and everyone believes that children can't lie. Gradually, Lucas' social value was erased by public opinion, and he lost his reason for living in society.

The social problems discussed in the film are not my specialty, even if I saw them last year one , I can't write my feelings now

At the end of the story, a thought-provoking picture is left.

In the afterglow of dusk, it is unknown whether Lucas or a deer fell to the ground when the shot was fired. But I have already shuddered. I am about to enter the society. How dangerous the dark side of people's hearts is, and whether I can be maliciously excluded by others is still unknown. The atmosphere of the whole movie is well grasped. There is no redundant music. The ending is thought-provoking and worth seeing.

It is recommended not to watch spoilers.


"Miskill" is a remake of the Indian version of "The Story of Miskill and Hiding the Sky", which is supervised by Chen Sicheng. It guarantees the part of suspense reasoning and is currently being shown.

 Poster | douban
Poster | douban

It looks good to me. The main character uses "montage" two To cheat the police and achieve an impossible "perfect crime". The film slightly mentioned the name of "hunting", which I think is related to the protagonist's later use of public pressure to deal with the police. (That's why I filled the previous hole)

The film is set in "Thailand", where everyone can speak Chinese. The police there defy the law, abuse their power, and do anything to solve a case. At the beginning, the film gives an example of the police chief: cheat criminals with false evidence. Because we don't know when we will be blackmailed by the bad police, we all live in fear. Then the "Li Weijie case" occurred, social unrest, mass demonstrations, only slightly changed the living environment of people.

At the beginning of the film, I paid tribute to the prison break in "Shawshank Redemption". I was impressed because I only saw "Shawshank Redemption". Next, some opening jokes are not enough, but can indirectly show the violence of the police. The details were also handled in a proper way. After dinner, I could also tell three or two things that were not very noticeable. Especially the mysterious smile of the owner of the snack bar at the end. The specific eggs should be seen by yourself.

However, I don't like the old slow lens in the film. It's uncomfortable to see the frame number is not enough. There are many details in the film that should be explored by the audience themselves. The director gave close ups, such as drinks with overpowering drugs. Maybe I'm too picky, but suspense movies should not use such obvious features, so that I can guess the story behind.

If the Chinese want to go through the trial, the prisoners will never be allowed to go unpunished, so all three involved surrendered.

Some references

Wandering Miss F (Netease Cloud music podcast): "What you believe, you see"

Bean Paste: "Miskill"

  1. 6E0473CBD95BA938E0B66638A764D8E9926AB318
  2. Cut and arrange each shot to produce coherent, echoing, suspense, contrast, hint, association and other artistic effects, forming a complete film.