• How to exclude sub category articles from WordPress category page

    By default, WordPress will display sub classified articles on the classification page. If you want to display only the classified articles, but not the articles in the sub classification, you can use the following code. In the main cycle of theme article archiving template, add: above: below:

    WordPress 2023-12-04 ninety-nine

  • StableDiffusion Installation Tutorial

    StableDiffusion github download address https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui First, the necessary software on the computer, python and git, needs to be used to download resources. Finally, depending on the network speed, individual resources may need to run webui.bat through magic, and the required resources will be automatically installed. After the required resources are successfully installed, a web page will automatically open, and the Chinese language will be changed because they are all in English. If you need a Chinese package

    study 2023-12-04 one hundred and twenty-two

  • Python changes the internal source of the country

    For example, change the cmd execution to an Alibaba Cloud source, a separate pip install package name - i https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ All pip config set global.index-urls once and for all https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ The following different source addresses 1 Tsinghua University (both completeness and speed are very good, and it is an excellent pip image source

    study 2023-12-04 one hundred and eight

  • StableDiffusion webui ERROR: Ignored the following versions that require a different python version

    ERROR: Ignored the following versions that require a different python version: 1.6.2 Requires-Python >=3.7,=3.7,=3.7,=3.7,

    study 2023-12-04 eighty-six

  • The StableDiffusion webui opens and reports an error AsyncConnectionPool__ init__() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘socket_options

    Find requirements_versions.txt, add httpx==0.24.1, then save and restart

    study 2023-12-04 one hundred and thirteen

  • Wodpress wp_list_bookmarks Output Friendly Links

    Use the parameter parameter name to describe the order ascending ASC or descending DESC. The default is ASC. Limit - 1 indicates all, and 1+integer indicates the number to be displayed. Category A comma separated list of category IDs containing links from. Category_name The category to retrieve the link by name. Hide_invisible Whether to show or hide links marked as invisible. Accept 1 | true or 0 | false. The default value is 1 | true. show_u…

    WordPress 2023-12-01 one hundred and eight

  • Linux Debian Common Commands

    1. Update the source sudo apt get update - y 2. Update the installed package sudo apt get upgrade - y 3. Upgrade the system sudo apt get dist upgrade - y 4. Use dselect to upgrade sudo apt get dselect upgrade - y 5. Learn which packages depend on sudo apt cache dependencies package 6. View which packages depend on this package

    study 2023-11-27 one hundred and twelve

  • Linux Replace cmake Version

    Go to the official website first http://www.cmake.org/files Check the required version. For example, I want to change to version 3.27.8 mv/usr/bin/cmake/usr/bin/cmake.backup wget http://www.cmake.org/files/v3.27/cmake-3.27.8.tar.gz tar zxf cmake-3.27.8.tar.gz cd cmake-3.27.8 ./…

    study 2023-11-27 one hundred and thirty-three

  • Local area network speed measurement using iperf software

    You can use the software iperf to test the speed between intranet official websites: https://iperf.fr/iperf-download.php#windows The following is the software that needs to use two or more computers to open the file directory through the CMD command window. First, enter the following command on computer A, CMD to establish the service, iperf3 - s on computer B, CMD enters the following command to conduct the speed test, and at the same time, computer A will synchronously display the speed iperf3 - c LAN IP address of computer A

    article 2023-08-10 five hundred and forty-seven

  • ERROR: No matching distribution found for win32print

    When you execute pip install win32print, you are prompted that ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement win32print (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for win32print

    study 2023-07-18 five hundred and fifty

  • python pyqt

    Here is just a brief record of the first Qt program # for installing pip install PyQt6 pip install pyqt6 tools/ usr/bin/python import sys from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QPushButton def main(): app = QApplication(sys.argv) w = …

    study 2023-07-17 four hundred and twenty-three

  • Phpstudy apache reverse generation

    vhosts.conf ServerName www.test.com ServerAlias www1.test.com ProxyRequests Off Order deny,allow Allow from all ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / httpd.conf …

    study 2023-06-28 four hundred and seventy-nine

  • 7z directory by directory compression

    First of all, 7z has been installed on the computer. For convenience, you can add 7z to the environment variable first. Of course, you can also execute FOR/D% i IN ("*") DO 7z a "%~ni.7z" "% i *" from the CMD command line in the directory to be compressed. If the environment variable is not added here, the following 7z needs to specify the directory FOR/D% i IN ("*") DO installation path 7z a "%~ni.7z" "% i *" If you add a password, the password is 12345

    study 2023-06-05 five hundred and fifty-six

  • Nvidia is such a fool. It doesn't support the current system. You need to update the wool

    Nvidia is such a jerk that it doesn't support the current system. You update the hairline and make the computer black for half a day. You enter the system security mode F8. The installation of the update failed. I went to the official website to download the installation package, and then I couldn't install it. Finally, I used 360 driver and installed the old version driver,

    article 2023-04-21 six hundred and sixty

  • Ffmpeg video merging

    If a video is divided into multiple segments, for example, 1. mp4 2. mp4 3. mp4 and so on, create a new text in the directory, for example, 1. txt content: file '1. mp4' file '2. mp4' file '3. mp4' merge using ffmpeg: ffmpeg - f concat - safe 0 - i 1. txt - c copy - y out. mp4 - f concat means merge - safe to avoid permission errors - c

    article 2023-03-17 six hundred and fifty-eight