The flower fades and the red and green apricots are small. When swallows fly, green water surrounds others.

Record an experience of converting DEDECMS to ZBLOGPHP

ZBLOG Tutorial Birds on the 15th floor 64888 Browse 1 Comments

This is probably the second largest database I have visited, and the first one is larger here Record a large ZBLOG database conversion operation

The number of articles is less than 2W, the number of tags is about 2.5W, the number of categories is more than a dozen, and the number of comments is not much (they are all hosted to talk freely).

Due to the large quantity, it is almost impossible to do general use plug-in unit , it is difficult to ensure that an ok is error free. The key is that the other program is GBK, and ZBLOG yes UTF-8 Coding, which is why we have this paid tutorial The method of dream weaving from DEDECMS to ZBLOGPHP

It is about the effect of cache plug-ins. The customer is transferring ZBLOGPHP After that, there was a problem that the memory was too large and the CPU exploded, even by default theme There is no obvious improvement without using any plug-ins.

This is still an independent service It is true that the other party's website traffic is really large under the condition of Internet Explorer.

 Record an experience of transferring DEDECMS to ZBLOGPHP ZBLOGPHP ZBLOG ZBLOG Tutorial Page 1

Many errors can be encountered. For example, MySQL prompts that there are too many connections, PHP bursts out of memory, and the task manager shows that it is near the edge of crash.

 Record an experience of transferring DEDECMS to ZBLOGPHP ZBLOGPHP ZBLOG ZBLOG Tutorial Page 2

 Record an experience of transferring DEDECMS to ZBLOGPHP ZBLOGPHP ZBLOG ZBLOG Tutorial Page 3

Yes, just open it at this time Site wide cache (static) plug-in All problems can be solved easily.

It is useless to talk more, but there is a picture and a truth:

 Record an experience of transferring DEDECMS to ZBLOGPHP ZBLOGPHP ZBLOG ZBLOG Tutorial Page 4


Related reading:

A Brief Discussion on Cache and Statization and a Note on Nobird_Cache Cache Plug in

Thumbnail plug-in

Gravatar avatar cache

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