The flower fades and the red and green apricots are small. When swallows fly, green water surrounds others.

ZBLOG PHP version obtains articles of multiple categories

ZBLOG Tutorial Birds on the 15th floor 45492 Browse 0 Comments

It would have been much easier in the previous 1.8, but now ZBLOG Encapsulates database statements, which will lead to the disdain of directly using SQL for query...

I wrote an article the other day【 ZBLOG PHP version obtains article list implementation or (OR) query 】However, some people said they didn't understand it, so it was convenient to write an example theme Author.

No nonsense, code directly:

    $where =array(array('=','cate_RootID' ,$tempcid));
    $order = array('cate_Order' => 'DESC' );
    foreach ($array as $cate){
    $where =array(array('=','cate_RootID' ,$tempcid));
    $order = array('cate_Order' => 'DESC' );
    foreach ($array as $cate){
//Output popular articles in subcategories
    $order = array('log_ViewNums'=>'DESC');
    $arrayhotarticle=    $zbp->GetArticleList(array('*'),$where,$order,array($num),'');
    foreach ($arrayhotarticle as $key=>$b3) {
       $substr.='< li><a href="'.$b3->Url.'"> '.$ b3->Title.' </ a></li>';
echo $substr;

The code may need to be modified slightly. Here is an encapsulated function:

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