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Compatibility processing of SEO tool plug-ins

ZBLOG Tutorial Birds on the 15th floor 39924 Browse 3 Comments

Complete set of SEO tools theme Compatibility operations always have some requirements, and I strongly recommend not to integrate any SEO in the theme function , because some user The theme needs to be changed frequently. If the SEO function is built in the theme, the change of the page description and the page title structure will lead to the change of the page description when the theme is changed. Even if you quickly restore the original, it may also lead to the changes during this period being captured by the search engine plug-in unit The operation of is to generate the same SEO structure for different topics label (Unless you modify the settings in the plug-in), this allows you to maintain consistent SEO structure tags when switching themes, without affecting the search engine's retrieval results.

For an article that is useless to individual users, if you have selected a theme and the SEO settings part conflicts with my SEO tools plug-in, you can refer to the video tutorial (the video tutorial is downloaded on the plug-in release page) to modify it. If you don't want to modify it, you can contact me for a free modification service

The following contents should be noted by theme developers who are interested in making SEO tools compatible

1. Title optimization Function: When dealing with the title tag of a topic, the SEO Toolkit identifies the<title></title>tag pair and replaces it with the code required by the SEO Toolkit. So theoretically, if there is only one set of<title></title>tag pairs in your header.php (note that it is one set, and one set in multiple if's also multiple sets), you don't need to modify the compatibility. If you have multiple sets of<title></title>tag pairs, try changing them to one set, otherwise the user's title tag content may be empty.

2. Page meta function: When dealing with keyword, description, author, and canonical tags in the theme meta, SEO tools also identify<title></title>tag pairs and insert keyword, description, author, and canonical tags after them. Different from the above requirements, if the topic comes with meta information matching multiple pages, it may lead to repeated meta information. The plug-in of SEO Tools provides a switch to turn off this part of information separately. If the user needs to use the SEO Tools instead of the main topic, the topic author also needs to design a switch for compatibility.

3. Avoidance: The execution process of SEO tools is editing Template When determining whether the template file name is executed for the header, if your header file is not named, such as top.php, then the title optimization and page description functions of the SEO tool corpus will lose effect directly.

Therefore, if you don't want your theme users to use the SEO tools, and are too lazy to deal with the accompanying compatibility problems, you can directly rename the header.php file and synchronously modify the tag {template: header} in other templates.

4. Optional switch: For the functions of title optimization and page meta, there are independent switches in the SEO tool collection. If users don't like or feel bored, they can suggest that they turn off the independent switches directly, and then the update cache will take effect.

5. Page compression function: The page compression function introduced by the SEO tool Daquan is a very perfect html compression class. If users have problems in the use process, it is likely that the topic code is not completely closed or the article content has unclosed tags.

This problem focuses on the slide code of some topics. The code is not rigorous when html and js are mixed. A few are found in the non-standard article code, and the collected content causes the problem of closing page tags.

The plug-in of SEO tools provides a built-in compatible function. If you are not confident in your own code, or you are not fully sure about the content tag of user articles, you can add "<! -- Nobird_Seo_Tools Break -->" (without quotation marks) at the beginning and end of the content that you do not want the plug-in to compress. The plug-in will not compress the contents within the label range.

6. About mobile PC dual themes: Since plug-ins operate by identifying header.php, it is recommended that the author of a dual theme theme operate as follows:

Header.php Content

 <! DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>{$title}-{$name}</title>     Judge the code of mobile phone or PC {template: pc header} or {template: mobile header}

In this way, the title optimization and meta optimization of the SEO tools plug-in will take effect on both mobile phones and PCs.

be careful:

1. This section does not include the dual theme function of mobile phones and PCs formed by the dual theme plug-in. It is recommended to contact the author of the dual theme plug-in for updating.

2. This operation is not required for purely adaptive themes.




Finally: For users who use the SEO tool Daquan plug-in, I can provide a free compatibility modification for any topic, and provide the file content before and after the modification. Please try to learn how to modify by yourself, and provide video modification tutorials. Multiple modifications are charged.

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