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Possible reasons and solutions for failure to upload themes or plug-ins

ZBLOG Tutorial Birds on the 15th floor 73479 Browse 2 Comments

ZBLOG The default installation package format is zba or gzba. Generally speaking, you can go through: website background home page--- plug-in unit Management or theme Management --- upload.

Some special circumstances may lead to failure to upload or error when uploading. There are also cases where there is no error when uploading and the prompt is successful, but it does not appear in the application list. Please follow the steps below to check one by one.

1. The theme or plug-in installation package itself has problems

part user When using P2P software such as Xunlei or non-standard browser to download, the zba installation package you get may be modified. At this time, the program cannot parse the modified zba file, resulting in upload failure. It can be downloaded and installed by using standard browsers such as Firefox or Chrome.

2. The installation package is too large

By default, only 2M files can be uploaded in the PHP environment. Files larger than this size cannot be uploaded online. There are four specific parameters that can be found in the php.ini file in the directory where the PHP program is located.:

Configuration Item Default function describe
file_uploads ON determine service Whether the PHP script on the server can accept HTTP file upload
memory_limit 8M Set the maximum amount of memory that can be allocated by scripts to prevent runaway scripts from monopolizing server memory
upload_max_filesize 2M Limit PHP processing Upload file The maximum value of, which must be less than the post_max_size value
post_max_size 8M Limit the maximum amount of information that can be accepted through POST

As can be seen from the above table, in general, the host in the PHP environment can only upload files of up to 2M. If the file size is too large, at least the value of upload_max_filesize needs to be modified, and other parameters can be adjusted according to the situation.

If you are a virtual host, the control panel of some virtual hosts provides the function of modifying upload_max_filesize, which can be modified online directly; If no modification panel is provided, you can generally contact customer service for modification.

If you are a VPS or an independent host, I believe you will modify these four parameters.

3. Permission issues

In general, when you install ZBLOG, you will be prompted that the zb_users folder and subfolders need write permission. If you do not have write permission, you cannot install themes or plug-ins online. If the problem is that the win user gives the IIS user of the zb_users folder the write permission, the linux user can directly give the permission 755. If the whole site has only ZBLOG, it can also directly give the permission 777.



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Latest comments from netizens (2)

  1.  visitor
    If you are a VPS or an independent host, I believe you will modify these four parameters.
    This can only be done by Du Niang or Google. I really don't
    haoyangmao8 Seven years ago (2017-09-25) reply