
Introduction to commonweal 404 page

The commonweal 404 page is an Internet commonweal activity independently initiated by Tencent employee volunteers.

The website only needs to embed a simple code in its 404 page to quickly spread the information of missing children through the Internet, thus improving the probability of finding missing children. The information of missing children comes from the Baby Go Home Subnet.

Baby Home Public Welfare API

Baby Home Public Welfare API is provided by netizen Ji Changxin. Original text: Ji Changxin API adds Baby Home | Tencent Public Welfare 404 core data

In the afternoon, Ji Changxin left a message to promote
Default Tencent Commonweal 404 http://www.qq.com/404/ It is suitable for individual pages and has less customization functions. Ji Changxin has made modifications, and the core data in it comes from Babe's home search subnet.

API Usage

Put the following code into the position to be displayed on the page

 <iframe src=" https://api.isoyu.com/gy/ " frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="300" height="300"></iframe>

Code example:

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