
Recently, I was looking for an open source document management system. In my impression, I built a document system once in 2016, but I can't remember the name. I still have some impression on the UI. I searched repeatedly, and finally found the SmartWiki document system on Google. Yes, it has been used for 16 years, but it is no longer maintained

MinDoc is a simple and easy-to-use document management system developed for IT teams. His predecessor was the SmartWiki document system I was looking for.

Demo site: http://doc.iminho.me

Official documents: https://www.iminho.me/wiki/docs/mindoc/mindoc-summary.md

Default user name and password: admin/123456

Brief installation

MinDoc needs Golang environment, and most people may not know about Golang. We will use the compiled one to install

1 . Create website (MySQL database code utf8mb4 ), compiled source code


2 . Pagoda release eight thousand one hundred and eighty-one port

3 . Add environment variable

open /etc/profile File, add at the bottom

 export PATH=$PATH:/www/wwwroot/domain.com/lib/time/zoneinfo.zip

4 . After adding, save and exit, and then execute the following command to make it effective

 source /etc/profile

5 . Configuration database

Under directory conf/app.conf file

If not, rename app.conf.example to app.conf

 #MySQL and sqlite3 databases are supported. If sqlite3 is used, db_database identifies the physical directory of the database db_adapter="${MINDOC_DB_ADAPTER||MySQL}" db_host="${MINDOC_DB_HOST||}" db_port="${MINDOC_DB_PORT||3306}" db_database="${MINDOC_DB_DATABASE||name}" db_username="${MINDOC_DB_USERNAME||name}" db_password="${MINDOC_DB_PASSWORD||pwd}"

Initialize database

 cd /www/wwwroot/domain.com ./mindoc_linux_amd64 install

Prompt Install Successfully! It indicates that the installation is completed.

Start program

 #Modify Executable Permission chmod +x mindoc_linux_amd64 #Start program ./mindoc_linux_amd64

Exit window method for background operation

 nohup ./ mindoc_linux_amd64 &

Now it can be accessed through IP: 8181

Set reversal

IP: port access is troublesome. Panel - Reverse Proxy

Installation Services

 ./mindoc_linux_amd64 service install

Start+start automatically

 systemctl start mindocd systemctl enable mindocd

Management command

 #Database initialization command: install ./mindoc_linux_amd64 install #Version view: version ./mindoc_linux_amd64 version #Install the service (a service with mindocd 'as the service name will be created) ./mindoc_linux_amd64 service install  #Uninstall Service ./mindoc_linux_amd64 service remove #Modify account password ./mindoc_linux_amd64 password -account admin -password 123456

Reference: https://www.wogaosuni.com/thread-583.htm
