The Windows computer at home cannot be managed directly through the remote desktop when people are outside because there is no independent IP. Through the use of frp and a vps with public network ip, intranet penetration can be achieved, and computers can be managed directly anywhere.

Server side configuration

click here , download the latest frp software on github, and pay attention to selecting hardware and software versions that conform to vps. modify frps.ini The configuration file in is changed as follows: (where 7000 is the communication port between the server and client of frp)

 [common] bind_port = 7000

Use the following command to run the frp server in the background. Pay attention to the file path (for example, put the frps in the/home/frp/folder):

nohup /home/frp/frps -c /home/frp/frps.ini & &> /dev/null

Client Configuration

Download the Windows version of frp on the github page just now. Note that the software should have the same number of bits as Windows. modify frpc.ini Change the configuration file in to the following:

 [common] Server_addr=ip # This is the ip of vps Server_port=7000 # Same as the server [rdp] type = tcp local_ip = local_port = 3389 remote_port = 5200

In the cmd or powershell, first cd to the folder of frp, and then run the following command:

frpc -c frpc.ini

Connect to Remote Desktop

Use the IP and port 5200 of vps to realize intranet penetration and remote desktop connection. The effect of remote desktop connection here depends on the network quality of vps, local and remote computers.

The frp client starts automatically when it is powered on (provided by the LOP of the hostloc)

1. Create a new vbs suffix script (change it according to the storage directory of frpc)

 set ws=WScript. CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ws.Run "c:\frp\frpc.exe -c c:\frp\frpc.ini",0

2. Put this script into

 C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp

You can add a boot auto start. If the above directory cannot be found, you can find it through "Run" – "shell: startup".


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