The Github document does not include the installation tutorial of appnode. I wrote an article to record that it is similar to the pagoda installation, with little difference.

Thank the author for the open source project:
Create website>Download source code

Mandatory environment


Install php extension

Fileinfo (installed by default) redis Opcache (optional installation)

Delete disable php function

PHP security>Cancel cross site prevention

proc_open delete

Apnnode is not disabled by default, if any, it will be deleted together
putenv pcntl_signal pcntl_alarm

Other configurations

Configure SSL

Run directory>public

Pseudo static

 try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$query_string;

Import sql file

.env.example Modify to .env

 copy .env.example .env

Open. env configuration database, etc
Component management php default command line>corresponding php version

 [ root@name  www]# php artisan dujiao install =====Single angle digital card installation environment detection starts===== Importing database Import succeeded

Supervisor process hosting

PHP path+website path+queue: work

 /opt/appnode/appnode-php72/root/usr/bin/php /data/***/sites/domain.com/www/artisan queue:work

matters needing attention

Supervisor handles mail service here, changed . env Mail Configuration We need to restart it Supervisor Otherwise it will not take effect!

After the official launch, be sure to set APP_DEBUG in the. env configuration to false and turn off the debugging mode!

Finally, thank @ Jiawei for his guidance
