
GitHub: Parsedown

  • The first way
 <? php include 'Parsedown.php'; // Introduction and analysis function md2html($title, $file) { echo '<! doctype html>'; echo '<html>'; echo '<head>'; echo '<meta charset = "utf-8">'; echo '<title>'.$ title.'</ title>'; echo '</head>'; echo '<body>'; $parser = new Parsedown(); $markdown = file_get_contents($file); echo $parser->text($markdown); echo '</body>'; echo '</html>'; } Md2html ('This is the title ','1. md')// Title and MD file ?>
  • The second way
 <? php require_once "Parsedown.php"; // Introduction and analysis $Parsedown = new Parsedown(); echo '<meta charset="utf-8">'; echo $Parsedown->text(' <br/> > Parsedown #First level title ##Secondary Title ###Third level title ####Fourth level title #####Five level title ######Sixth level title '); ?>


GitHub: Marked.js

 <! doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <title>Marked in the browser</title> </head> <body> <div id="content"></div> <script src=" "></script>  <script> document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = Marked ('# Level I  n  The second line * * Bold * *  n  # # # marked. min. js'); </script> </body> </html>

Parsedown self use

 <! DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,user-scalable=no"> <link rel="stylesheet" href=" @web/Markdown/markdown.css"> </head> <body> <div class="wonderpen-page fixed-width"> <div id="wonderpen-content" class="wonderpen-content"> <div class="markdown-body align-null"> <? php include 'Parsedown.php'; function md2html($title, $file) { echo '<! doctype html>'; echo '<html>'; echo '<head>'; echo '<meta charset = "utf-8">'; echo '<title>'.$ title.'</ title>'; echo '</head>'; echo '<body>'; $parser = new Parsedown(); $markdown = file_get_contents($file); echo $parser->text($markdown); echo '</body>'; echo '</html>'; } md2html('title', ''); ?> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript">//External link target=_blank function add() { var all_a = document.getElementsByTagName("a");; for (var i = 0; i < all_a.length; i++) { var domain = all_a[i].href.split("/"); // Split with "/" if (domain[2]!=host_url) { all_a[i].target = "_blank"; } } } add(); </script> <center><h1> <a href="/">Doc list</a> </h1></center> </body> </html>
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