
This project can give Netease Cloud Music a number of songs to brush and listen to in order to achieve the goal of rapid upgrading. It is very pleasant to use. Never mind it, it will automatically clock in and listen to 300 songs every day, and it can be used by multiple accounts (theoretically, it can reach hundreds). Every day, it will send a message to WeChat to report the task progress. This project is divided into Python client and API interface (server). There are three deployment methods. Cloud function is recommended here.

  • Updated at 16:54:58 on July 3, 2020

    Due to the large number of users of the author's API, if an API exception occurs, please change the trigger time of the scheduled task

Enter cloud function

Take the cloud function of Tencent Cloud as an example. If you don't have one, you can open it for free. Address:

New Function

The function name is optional. Select Python 3.6 in the running environment, create a blank function, and then go to the next step

Project Download

Upload code

Ensure that the environment is python 3.6 , the execution method is changed to: index.main The submission method must select a local folder, then clone the Zip compressed package from the GitHub project, decompress it into a folder, click this upload to upload the folder, and then click the following advanced settings.

advanced setting

The memory is not enough, 64MB That's enough. Change the timeout to the maximum 900 seconds , and then click Finish at the bottom.

Account Configuration

Change it yourself init.config The account password and Server sauce key (WeChat notification), if multiple accounts are used, they should also be configured account.json , click Save and test after completion. If your configuration is correct, wait a few minutes to see the results. Do not refresh the page during this time. The results will be in the self log.

Set timing

Click Trigger Management on the left, and then create a new trigger. The trigger cycle is user-defined, and the expression is when to do the task every day. I choose 8:30 a.m 0 30 8 * * * * , you can modify it by yourself, fill it in and click Submit, then your daily music listening project will be deployed

Effect display

It can be seen before use that seven hundred and three First, after use one thousand and four First.

WeChat notification

If the server sauce key is configured correctly, you will be notified

  • Reprinted in this article My love deciphers For more deployment methods, refer to the original author: very rare