Oracle11g sets archive mode and non archive mode

1. First check whether the current database is in the archive mode 1) select name, log_mode from v $database; The value of log_mode is NOARCHIVELOG, indicating that the database is in non archive mode. The value of log_mode is ARCHIVELOG, indicating that the database is in archive mode. 2) archive log list; (This method requires as sysdba) The value of Database log mode is No Archive

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Centos6 Installing Oracle11g Tutorial

1、 Demo system version: cat/etc/redhat releaseCentOS release 6.10 (Final) II. Preparation before installation: 1. Download Upload to the server through xftp to update the oracle dependency package. Execute the command on the terminal first: yum - y install binu

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Uninstall and delete oracle software and instances under Centos

Environment: Centos Oracle User involved: root oracleA Delete oracle software and instance Steps: 1. Oracle user logs in sqlplus Stop database: shutdown immediate 2. Oracle user stops listening service: lsnrctl stop3. Root user deletes/tmp Oracle * file delete/opt Oracle * file delete/etc OraInst.loc and Oratab files (these two files

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