Cause: I returned to my roommate at noon and asked him to download a Baidu Library document that could only be downloaded with a download coupon, so I searched the Internet for a long time and directly connected Baidu Library to analyze it -- no result, there was something about freezing point library on the Internet, which I had downloaded before. The principle was to download it in txt format, which was totally useless. Baidu found several times that this site could be downloaded, but it required a fee, Then began a wave of solutions.

Baidu search website of a station -- -->: Library downloader downloads documents for free. Library member vip

Normal access to the site download process:
The website is very simple, that is, just copy the address of Baidu Library, click Submit to download, and then generate a payment code, and then download.
 [Elite] Practical cracking of a Baidu Library member download station

 [Elite] Practical cracking of a Baidu Library member download station

To crack the idea, the page was only partially refreshed. Today, I learned about ajax in java ee, and guessed whether a wave of ajax submissions was coming. So F12 checked the web page source code, and it was true, as shown below:

 [Elite] Practical cracking of a Baidu Library member download station

It is easy to analyze the data submitted to the backend url One of the addresses and bands form Form value request, the method is post , the comments are very clear, so the interface address is found: {Remove the curly braces and add the official link of Baidu Library here}

So finally, directly calling the interface to obtain the download address succeeded! This article is only for learning. If it infringes, please contact me to delete it. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source.
 [Elite] Practical cracking of a Baidu Library member download station